Can deep learning identify tomato leaf disease?
K Zhang, Q Wu, A Liu, X Meng - Advances in multimedia, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This paper applies deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify tomato leaf disease
by transfer learning. AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and ResNet were used as backbone of the CNN …
by transfer learning. AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and ResNet were used as backbone of the CNN …
Rapid and/or nondestructive quality evaluation methods for potatoes: A review
AM Rady, DE Guyer - Computers and electronics in agriculture, 2015 - Elsevier
Potato, with its several processed products, has a major rank on the human diet in many
countries. Among electronic-based methods that have been used for tracking and rapidly …
countries. Among electronic-based methods that have been used for tracking and rapidly …
Research on recognition model of crop diseases and insect pests based on deep learning in harsh environments
Y Ai, C Sun, J Tie, X Cai - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Agricultural diseases and insect pests are one of the most important factors that seriously
threaten agricultural production. Early detection and identification of pests can effectively …
threaten agricultural production. Early detection and identification of pests can effectively …
Comparision of performance of classifiers-svm, rf and ann in potato blight disease detection using leaf images
In agriculture, timely disease control and management plays an important role in optimizing
yield, improving harvest quality and minimizing loss to farmers. Automated disease …
yield, improving harvest quality and minimizing loss to farmers. Automated disease …
[HTML][HTML] A novel deep transfer learning approach based on depth-wise separable CNN for human posture detection
Human posture classification (HPC) is the process of identifying a human pose from a still
image or moving image that was recorded by a digicam. This makes it easier to keep a …
image or moving image that was recorded by a digicam. This makes it easier to keep a …
Classification of diseased potato leaves using machine learning
Plant disease detection offers a favorable step towards sustainable agriculture and
disinfected crops. Early detection of disease in plants ie, disease control and management …
disinfected crops. Early detection of disease in plants ie, disease control and management …
Pseudoinverse learning autoencoder with DCGAN for plant diseases classification
Pest infestation of crops and plants impacts agricultural development. Generally, farmers or
specialist observe the plants with the naked eye to recognise and diagnose ailments …
specialist observe the plants with the naked eye to recognise and diagnose ailments …
[PDF][PDF] Image-Based Automatic Diagnostic System for Tomato Plants Using Deep Learning.
Tomato production is affected by various threats, including pests, pathogens, and nutritional
deficiencies during its growth process. If control is not timely, these threats affect the plant …
deficiencies during its growth process. If control is not timely, these threats affect the plant …
ScabyNet, a user-friendly application for detecting common scab in potato tubers using deep learning and morphological traits
F Leiva, F Abdelghafour, M Alsheikh, NE Nagy… - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Common scab (CS) is a major bacterial disease causing lesions on potato tubers, degrading
their appearance and reducing their market value. To accurately grade scab-infected potato …
their appearance and reducing their market value. To accurately grade scab-infected potato …
Res-vgg: A novel model for plant disease detection by fusing vgg16 and resnet models
A Kumar, R Razi, A Singh, H Das - International conference on machine …, 2020 - Springer
Agriculture is one of the major growing sectors in India, and plant disease is the key factor
that affects the economy of the country to a large extend. Plant disease management has …
that affects the economy of the country to a large extend. Plant disease management has …