How accurately can we date the duration of magmatic-hydrothermal events in porphyry systems?—an invited paper
Determining the absolute duration of magmatic-hydrothermal events leading to the formation
of porphyry systems (ie, including porphyry copper, skarn, and epithermal deposits) is one of …
of porphyry systems (ie, including porphyry copper, skarn, and epithermal deposits) is one of …
Geochronology of shear zones–A review
Shear zones play a major role in the deformation of the crust at a variety of scales, as
expressions of strain localization during orogeny and rifting, and also as reactivated …
expressions of strain localization during orogeny and rifting, and also as reactivated …
Porphyry copper systems
RH Sillitoe - Economic geology, 2010 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Porphyry Cu systems host some of the most widely distributed mineralization types at
convergent plate boundaries, including porphyry deposits centered on intrusions; skarn …
convergent plate boundaries, including porphyry deposits centered on intrusions; skarn …
Porphyry deposits: Characteristics and origin of hypogene features
E Seedorff, JH Dilles, JM Proffett, MT Einaudi… - 2005 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Porphyry deposits arguably represent the most economically important class of nonferrous
metallic mineral resources. These magmatic-hydrothermal deposits are characterized by …
metallic mineral resources. These magmatic-hydrothermal deposits are characterized by …
Giant porphyry deposits: characteristics, distribution, and tectonic controls
More than half of the 25 largest known porphyry copper deposits, defined in terms of
contained copper metal, formed during three time periods: the Paleocene to Eocene …
contained copper metal, formed during three time periods: the Paleocene to Eocene …
Evolución tectónica, paleogeográfica y metalogénica durante el Cenozoico en los Andes de Chile norte y central e implicaciones para las regiones adyacentes de …
R Charrier, M Farías, V Maksaev - Revista de la Asociación …, 2009 - SciELO Argentina
La orogenia incaica dio origen a un importante relieve en el Eoceno Medio, el que se
concentró en el ámbito del arco magmático precedente, la Cordillera Incaica. Este relieve …
concentró en el ámbito del arco magmático precedente, la Cordillera Incaica. Este relieve …
U-Pb geochronology of grossular-andradite garnet
This study presents a new laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-
ICPMS) based U-Pb geochronometric method for dating grossular-andradite (grandite) …
ICPMS) based U-Pb geochronometric method for dating grossular-andradite (grandite) …
Stochastic modelling of deep magmatic controls on porphyry copper deposit endowment
Porphyry deposits, our main source of copper and of significant amounts of Mo, Re and Au,
form at convergent margins in association with intermediate-felsic magmas. Although it is …
form at convergent margins in association with intermediate-felsic magmas. Although it is …
Andean copper province: Tectonomagmatic settings, deposit types, metallogeny, exploration, and discovery
RH Sillitoe, J Perelló - 2005 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The Andes, in particular their central parts, have been known as a preeminent Cu province
for more than 100 years and have been the source of many innovative metallogenic …
for more than 100 years and have been the source of many innovative metallogenic …
[PDF][PDF] 13.14—Geochemistry of porphyry deposits
Porphyry ore deposits are the Earth's major resources of copper, molybdenum, and rhenium
(Sillitoe, 2010) and also provide significant amounts of gold, silver, and other metals …
(Sillitoe, 2010) and also provide significant amounts of gold, silver, and other metals …