The adaptive evolution of virulence: a review of theoretical predictions and empirical tests
Why is it that some parasites cause high levels of host damage (ie virulence) whereas others
are relatively benign? There are now numerous reviews of virulence evolution in the …
are relatively benign? There are now numerous reviews of virulence evolution in the …
Apparent competition
RD Holt, MB Bonsall - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and …, 2017 -
Most species have one or more natural enemies, eg, predators, parasites, pathogens, and
herbivores, among others. These species in turn typically attack multiple victim species. This …
herbivores, among others. These species in turn typically attack multiple victim species. This …
Multiple infections and the evolution of virulence
Infections that consist of multiple parasite strains or species are common in the wild and are
a major public health concern. Theory suggests that these infections have a key influence on …
a major public health concern. Theory suggests that these infections have a key influence on …
Self-destructive cooperation mediated by phenotypic noise
In many biological examples of cooperation, individuals that cooperate cannot benefit from
the resulting public good. This is especially clear in cases of self-destructive cooperation …
the resulting public good. This is especially clear in cases of self-destructive cooperation …
[BUKU][B] Coevolution of life on hosts: integrating ecology and history
DH Clayton, SE Bush, KP Johnson - 2019 -
For most, the mere mention of lice forces an immediate hand to the head and recollection of
childhood experiences with nits, medicated shampoos, and traumatic haircuts. But for a …
childhood experiences with nits, medicated shampoos, and traumatic haircuts. But for a …
The effects of anthropogenic global changes on immune functions and disease resistance
Humans are changing the environmental conditions of our planet, and animal immune
functions are being affected by these modifications. For instance, a diversity of chemical …
functions are being affected by these modifications. For instance, a diversity of chemical …
The evolution of drug resistance and the curious orthodoxy of aggressive chemotherapy
The evolution of drug-resistant pathogens is a major challenge for 21st century medicine.
Drug use practices vigorously advocated as resistance management tools by professional …
Drug use practices vigorously advocated as resistance management tools by professional …
Prevalence and implications of multiple-strain infections
O Balmer, M Tanner - The Lancet infectious diseases, 2011 -
Infections frequently contain multiple strains (genotypes) of the same pathogen, yet they are
still usually treated as uniform entities. In this Review, we discuss problems with inconsistent …
still usually treated as uniform entities. In this Review, we discuss problems with inconsistent …
Parasite adaptations to within-host competition
N Mideo - Trends in parasitology, 2009 -
Competition between parasite species or strains within hosts is a major evolutionary force in
infections. In response, parasites exhibit a diverse array of strategies that improve their …
infections. In response, parasites exhibit a diverse array of strategies that improve their …
Coho salmon spawner mortality in western US urban watersheds: bioinfiltration prevents lethal storm water impacts
JA Spromberg, DH Baldwin, SE Damm… - Journal of Applied …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Adult coho salmon O ncorhynchus kisutch return each autumn to freshwater spawning
habitats throughout western N orth A merica. The migration coincides with increasing …
habitats throughout western N orth A merica. The migration coincides with increasing …