[PDF][PDF] An Overview of the State of the Art in Co-Simulation and Related Methods.

I Hafner, N Popper - Simul. Notes Eur., 2021 - sne-journal.org
In this paper, we present an overview of existing and ongoing developments in multirate and
cosimulation. These are structured into thematical sections, providing general information on …

Winding functions in transient magnetoquasistatic field-circuit coupled simulations

S Schöps, H De Gersem, T Weiland - COMPEL: The international …, 2013 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to review the mutual coupling of electromagnetic
fields in the magnetic vector potential formulation with electric circuits in terms of (modified) …

STEAM: A hierarchical cosimulation framework for superconducting accelerator magnet circuits

L Bortot, B Auchmann, IC Garcia… - IEEE Transactions …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Simulating the transient effects occurring in superconducting accelerator magnet circuits
requires including the mutual electro-thermo-dynamic interaction among the circuit …

DAEs in circuit modelling: a survey

R Riaza - surveys in differential-algebraic equations I, 2013 - Springer
This paper surveys different analytical aspects of differential-algebraic models of electrical
and electronic circuits. The use of DAEs in circuit modelling has increased in the last two …

A class of multirate infinitesimal GARK methods

A Sandu - SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2019 - SIAM
Differential equations arising in many practical applications are characterized by multiple
time scales. Multirate time integration seeks to solve them efficiently by discretizing each …

A parallel Jacobi-embedded Gauss-Seidel method

A Ahmadi, F Manganiello, A Khademi… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A broad range of scientific simulations involve solving large-scale computationally
expensive linear systems of equations. Iterative solvers are typically preferred over direct …

Optimized field/circuit coupling for the simulation of quenches in superconducting magnets

IC Garcia, S Schöps, M Maciejewski… - IEEE Journal on …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we propose an optimized field/circuit coupling approach for the simulation of
magnetothermal transients in superconducting magnets. The approach improves the …

Robust stability of differential-algebraic equations

NH Du, VH Linh, V Mehrmann - Surveys in Differential-Algebraic …, 2013 - Springer
This paper presents a survey of recent results on the robust stability analysis and the
distance to instability for linear time-invariant and time-varying differential-algebraic …

Implicit co-simulation and solver-coupling: efficient calculation of interface-Jacobian and coupling sensitivities/gradients

J Kraft, S Klimmek, T Meyer… - Journal of …, 2022 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
We consider implicit co-simulation and solver-coupling methods, where different subsystems
are coupled in time domain in a weak sense. Within such weak coupling approaches, a …

Waveform relaxation: a convergence criterion for differential-algebraic equations

J Pade, C Tischendorf - Numerical Algorithms, 2019 - Springer
While waveform relaxation (also known as dynamic iteration or co-simulation) methods are
known to converge for coupled systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), they may …