[HTML][HTML] Advances and open questions in the science of subjective well-being

E Diener, RE Lucas, S Oishi - Collabra: Psychology, 2018 - online.ucpress.edu
Subjective well-being (SWB) is an extremely active area of research with about 170,000
articles and books published on the topic in the past 15 years. Methodological and …


CS Carver, MF Scheier - Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being …, 2024 - Springer
Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI)! 30 related to excess fat storage. Class I
obesity is defined as a BMI 30–34.9, class II obesity as a BMI 35.0–39.9, and class III obesity …

[HTML][HTML] Eye movements during everyday behavior predict personality traits

S Hoppe, T Loetscher, SA Morey… - Frontiers in human …, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Besides allowing us to perceive our surroundings, eye movements are also a window into
our mind and a rich source of information on who we are, how we feel, and what we do …

Social cognition: From brains to culture

STT Fiske, SE Taylor - 2020 - torrossa.com
Since the publication of our first text on social cognition, a lot has changed for us personally
(children come and gone, grandchildren have arrived, new jobs, new houses) and …

[PDF][PDF] Theories of personality

DP Schultz, SE Schultz, M Enos - 2009 -
Each edition of a textbook must be as vital, dynamic, and responsive to change as the field it
covers. To remain an effective teaching instrument, it must reflect the development of the …

Resilience in the face of stress: Emotion regulation as a protective factor

AS Troy, IB Mauss - … and mental health: Challenges across the …, 2011 - books.google.com
Everyone experiences stress at one time or another–from major events such as the death of
a loved one, to more minor stressors such as financial difficulties. Not surprisingly, exposure …

Attentional disengagement predicts stress recovery in depression: an eye-tracking study.

A Sanchez, C Vazquez, C Marker… - Journal of abnormal …, 2013 - psycnet.apa.org
Previous research has made significant progress elucidating the nature of cognitive biases
in emotional disorders. However, less work has focused on the relation among cognitive …

Fixing our focus: Training attention to regulate emotion

HA Wadlinger, DM Isaacowitz - Personality and social …, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Empirical studies have frequently linked negative attentional biases with attentional
dysfunction and negative moods; however, far less research has focused on how attentional …

Genç yetişkinlerde iyimserliğin mutluluk ve yaşam doyumu üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi

PN Bal, A Gülcan - Asian Journal of Instruction (E-AJI), 2014 - dergipark.org.tr
İyimserlik, mutluluk ve yaşam doyumu pozitif psikolo**in önemli kavramları olarak
değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada iyimserliğin mutluluk ve yaşam doyumu üzerindeki …

Positive mood broadens visual attention to positive stimuli

HA Wadlinger, DM Isaacowitz - Motivation and emotion, 2006 - Springer
In an attempt to investigate the impact of positive emotions on visual attention within the
context of Fredrickson's (1998) broaden-and-build model, eye tracking was used in two …