Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat‐selection modeling: guidelines for ecology and evolution

JM Northrup, E Vander Wal, M Bonar… - Ecological …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Habitat selection is a fundamental animal behavior that shapes a wide range of ecological
processes, including animal movement, nutrient transfer, trophic dynamics and population …

A guide for studying among-individual behavioral variation from movement data in the wild

AG Hertel, PT Niemelä, NJ Dingemanse, T Mueller - Movement ecology, 2020 - Springer
Animal tracking and biologging devices record large amounts of data on individual
movement behaviors in natural environments. In these data, movement ecologists often view …

A predictive timeline of wildlife population collapse

F Cerini, DZ Childs, CF Clements - Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2023 -
Contemporary rates of biodiversity decline emphasize the need for reliable ecological
forecasting, but current methods vary in their ability to predict the declines of real-world …

Spatial personalities: a meta-analysis of consistent individual differences in spatial behavior

EF Stuber, BS Carlson, BR Jesmer - Behavioral Ecology, 2022 -
Individual variation in behavior, particularly consistent among-individual differences (ie,
personality), has important ecological and evolutionary implications for population and …

Fear generalization and behavioral responses to multiple dangers

A Sih, HJ Chung, I Neylan, C Ortiz-Jimenez… - Trends in Ecology & …, 2023 -
Animals often exhibit consistent-individual differences (CIDs) in boldness/fearfulness,
typically studied in the context of predation risk. We focus here on fear generalization, where …

Individual environmental niches in mobile organisms

BS Carlson, S Rotics, R Nathan, M Wikelski… - Nature …, 2021 -
Individual variation is increasingly recognized as a central component of ecological
processes, but its role in structuring environmental niche associations remains largely …

Biologging reveals individual variation in behavioural predictability in the wild

AG Hertel, R Royauté, A Zedrosser… - Journal of Animal …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Recent research highlights the ecological importance of individual variation in behavioural
predictability. Individuals may not only differ in their average expression of a behavioural …

Wildlife conservation: The importance of individual personality traits and sentience

KA Owens, G Bryja, M Bekoff - Animal Sentience, 2024 -
Individual differences in personality types within the same species have been studied much
less than differences between species and populations. Personality differences are related …

Movement predictability of individual barn owls facilitates estimation of home range size and survival

S Cain, T Solomon, Y Leshem, S Toledo, E Arnon… - Movement Ecology, 2023 - Springer
Background There is growing attention to individuality in movement, its causes and
consequences. Similarly to other well-established personality traits (eg, boldness or …

[KNJIGA][B] Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management

V Penteriani, M Melletti - 2020 -
Bears have fascinated people since ancient times. The relationship between bears and
humans dates back thousands of years, during which time we have also competed with …