Automated manufacturability analysis: A survey

SK Gupta, WC Regli, D Das, DS Nau - Research in Engineering Design, 1997 - Springer
In the market-place of the 21st century, there is no place for traditional 'over-the-
wall'communications between design and manufacturing. In order to 'design it right the very …

A review of computer-aided simultaneous engineering systems

A Molina, AH Al-Ashaab, TIA Ellis, RIM Young… - … in Engineering Design, 1995 - Springer
World-wide markets are becoming increasingly competitive, and in order to sustain market
share organisations are develo** a customer-oriented approach for designing and …

Neural networks for cost estimation: simulations and pilot application

J Bode - International Journal of Production Research, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
Neural networks in a multilayer perceptron architecture are able to classify data and
approximate functions based on a set of sample data (curve fitting). These properties are …

Concurrent engineering for global manufacturing

HS Abdalla - International Journal of Production Economics, 1999 - Elsevier
This paper presents the state of the art of the research work carried out within the multi-
national collaborative programme IMS-Test Case 3 “Global Concurrent Engineering”. The …

Axiomatic design and concurrent engineering

LD Albano, NP Suh - Computer-Aided Design, 1994 - Elsevier
The ability to utilize concurrent engineering fully as a strategy for achieving shorter time to
market, reduced development costs, and higher-quality products depends on an ability to …

Decision support with neural networks in the management of research and development: Concepts and application to cost estimation

J Bode - Information & Management, 1998 - Elsevier
Despite the small number of applications to date, neural networks are likely to be able to
contribute to decision support in selected fields of R&D management. We identify the …

Concurrent engineering design tool and method

D Sebastian, S Pratt, S Muthuswamy, DJ Kniep… - US Patent …, 1998 - Google Patents
US5822206A - Concurrent engineering design tool and method - Google Patents
US5822206A - Concurrent engineering design tool and method - Google Patents Concurrent …

An artificial intelligence-based constraint network system for concurrent engineering

RE Young, A Greef, P O'GRADY - The International Journal Of …, 1992 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents a new approach to concurrent engineering, namely the use of artificial
intelligence constraint networks to advise the designer on improvements that can be made …

An object-oriented constraints-based system for concurrent product development

A Gayretli, HS Abdalla - Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 1999 - Elsevier
This research work aims to develop an intelligent constraint-based system that enables
designers to consider at the early stages of the design process all activities associated with …

Neural networks in quality function deployment

X Zhang, J Bode, S Ren - Computers & industrial engineering, 1996 - Elsevier
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a method of product planning in the early phases of
the development of new products (pre-CAD phase). A major drawback of its application is …