How aid targets votes: the impact of electoral incentives on foreign aid distribution
RS Jablonski - World Politics, 2014 -
Despite allegations that foreign aid promotes corruption and patronage, little is known about
how recipient governments' electoral incentives influence aid spending. This article …
how recipient governments' electoral incentives influence aid spending. This article …
[KNYGA][B] Power and the vote: Elections and electricity in the develo** world
B Min - 2015 -
How do develo** states decide who gets access to public goods like electricity, water, and
education? Power and the Vote breaks new ground by showing that the provision of …
education? Power and the Vote breaks new ground by showing that the provision of …
When parties meet voters: Assessing political linkages through partisan networks and distributive expectations in Argentina and Chile
E Calvo, MV Murillo - Comparative Political Studies, 2013 -
This article provides a new comparative methodology for the study of party–voter linkages
from the perspective of voters, where the critical question that distinguishes clientelistic from …
from the perspective of voters, where the critical question that distinguishes clientelistic from …
Incorporating marginal citizens and voters: the conditional electoral effects of targeted social assistance in Latin America
In this article, we study how social assistance shapes election results across Latin America.
Case studies in several countries have found electoral effects, yet it remains unclear …
Case studies in several countries have found electoral effects, yet it remains unclear …
Tactical distribution in local funding: The value of an aligned mayor
S Toro - European Journal of Political Economy, 2019 - Elsevier
Using Chile as a case study for understanding tactical distribution under extensive controls
on expenditure, this paper examines whether political motives affect the allocation of funds …
on expenditure, this paper examines whether political motives affect the allocation of funds …
[KNYGA][B] Perlindungan sosial dan klientelisme: makna politik bantuan tunai dalam pemilihan umum
M Sumarto - 2018 -
Distribusi bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) menjelang pemilu presiden 2009 menggambarkan
pergulatan calon presiden dalam memanfaatkan skema perlindungan sosial khusus untuk …
pergulatan calon presiden dalam memanfaatkan skema perlindungan sosial khusus untuk …
Political competition and local social spending: evidence from Brazil
C Boulding, DS Brown - Studies in Comparative International …, 2014 - Springer
Electoral theories of democracy imply electoral competition insures accountability. Using
data on local elections, socioeconomic factors, and municipal budgets from more than 5,000 …
data on local elections, socioeconomic factors, and municipal budgets from more than 5,000 …
[KNYGA][B] Ethnicity and elections in Turkey: Party politics and the mobilization of swing voters
G Akdag - 2014 -
Ethnicity and Elections in Turkey attempts to understand the mobilization strategies of
incumbent parties to consolidate and increase their support among swing voters of an ethnic …
incumbent parties to consolidate and increase their support among swing voters of an ethnic …
Pork is policy: Dissipative inclusion at the local level
The article investigates the impact of local policies on human development indicators in
Brazilian municipalities. This is an attempt to investigate the role of the legislative branch in …
Brazilian municipalities. This is an attempt to investigate the role of the legislative branch in …
[HTML][HTML] Electoral risk and vote buying, introducing prospect theory to the experimental study of clientelism
H Bahamonde, A Canales - Electoral Studies, 2022 - Elsevier
Most traditional theories of clientelism assert that parties in need of securing electoral
support invest in vote buying. We consider this framework limited because of two reasons …
support invest in vote buying. We consider this framework limited because of two reasons …