State estimation for drug delivery systems

K Kappeler, L Urbanek - US Patent 12,109,401, 2024‏ - Google Patents
A flexible and reliable delivery state estimator or evaluator is provided for a drug delivery
device. The proposed delivery status estimation architecture includes a position sensor that …

Electric suspension device

R Yamazaki, T Yanagi - US Patent 11,485,188, 2022‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A first electric suspension device includes a first electro magnetic actuator
that is provided between the vehicle body and a wheel of a vehicle and generates a driving …

Status indicator for drug delivery systems

M Gentz, T Rufer - US Patent 11,779,704, 2023‏ - Google Patents
Electronic modules for attachment to a drug delivery device include delivery status sensing
means (21, 22) for monitoring a delivery status of the device, a status indicator (25) with an …