Future research avenues at the nexus of circular economy and digitalization
Purpose The authors posit that one of the key enablers of the circular economy will be the
digital transformation–in other words,“digitalization.” In this study, the authors examine and …
digital transformation–in other words,“digitalization.” In this study, the authors examine and …
Disruptive technologies and operations management in the Industry 4.0 era and beyond
In the Industry 4.0 era, automation and data analytics emerge as the major forces to
enhance efficiency in operations management (OM). Disruptive technologies, such as …
enhance efficiency in operations management (OM). Disruptive technologies, such as …
Design for additive manufacturing: recent innovations and future directions
PF Egan - Designs, 2023 - mdpi.com
Design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) provides a necessary framework for using novel
additive manufacturing (AM) technologies for engineering innovations. Recent AM advances …
additive manufacturing (AM) technologies for engineering innovations. Recent AM advances …
Building supply chain resilience and efficiency through additive manufacturing: An ambidextrous perspective on the dynamic capability view
Following the COVID-19 outbreak, a wide range of scholars and practitioners have come to
recognize the potential of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology in building supply chain …
recognize the potential of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology in building supply chain …
Digital capabilities to manage agri-food supply chain uncertainties and build supply chain resilience during compounding geopolitical disruptions
Purpose The agricultural supply chain is susceptible to disruptive geopolitical events.
Therefore, agri-food firms must devise robust resilience strategies to hasten recovery and …
Therefore, agri-food firms must devise robust resilience strategies to hasten recovery and …
When technologies become Industry 4.0 platforms: Defining the role of digital technologies through a boundary-spanning perspective
The implementation of Industry 4.0 is usually built around core technologies that integrate
different complementary hardware and software to coordinate activities within and across …
different complementary hardware and software to coordinate activities within and across …
Digital transformation: What is new if anything? Emerging patterns and management research
Digitalization and digital transformation have long fascinated scholars, but the recent
explosion in the adoption of digital technologies in all types of organizations brought the …
explosion in the adoption of digital technologies in all types of organizations brought the …
The digitalization of operations and supply chain management: Theoretical and methodological implications
The digitalization of intra‐and inter‐organizational processes offers significant opportunity
for research in the field of operations and supply chain management (OSCM). This essay …
for research in the field of operations and supply chain management (OSCM). This essay …
[PDF][PDF] Digital transformation in operations management: Fundamental change through agency reversal
The emergence of digital technologies across all aspects of operations management (OM)
has enabled shifts in decision making, sha** new operational dynamics and business …
has enabled shifts in decision making, sha** new operational dynamics and business …
Evaluating the effectiveness of learning design with mixed reality (MR) in higher education
Virtual reality (VR) is rapidly developed and bringing advancement in various related
technologies through the virtual world. It has high potential and plays an important role in …
technologies through the virtual world. It has high potential and plays an important role in …