[HTML][HTML] Reviewing the Spectral Variation Hypothesis: Twenty years in the tumultuous sea of biodiversity estimation by remote sensing
Twenty years ago, the Spectral Variation Hypothesis (SVH) was formulated as a means to
link between different aspects of biodiversity and spatial patterns of spectral data (eg …
link between different aspects of biodiversity and spatial patterns of spectral data (eg …
A review: Tree species classification based on remote sensing data and classic deep learning-based methods
L Zhong, Z Dai, P Fang, Y Cao, L Wang - Forests, 2024 - mdpi.com
Timely and accurate information on tree species is of great importance for the sustainable
management of natural resources, forest inventory, biodiversity detection, and carbon stock …
management of natural resources, forest inventory, biodiversity detection, and carbon stock …
Map** temperate forest tree species using dense Sentinel-2 time series
Precise information on tree species composition is critical for forest management and
conservation, but map** tree species with satellite data over large areas is still a …
conservation, but map** tree species with satellite data over large areas is still a …
[HTML][HTML] Forest stand species map** using the Sentinel-2 time series
Accurate information regarding forest tree species composition is useful for a wide range of
applications, both for forest management and scientific research. Remote sensing is an …
applications, both for forest management and scientific research. Remote sensing is an …
How much does multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data improve crop type classification?
The Sentinel-2 mission of the ESA's Copernicus programme is generating unprecedented
volumes of data at high spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions. The objective of this short …
volumes of data at high spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions. The objective of this short …
Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for forest stand species map** using Sentinel-2 imagery and environmental data in the Polish Carpathians
Abstract Information about forest stand species distribution is essential for biodiversity
modelling, forest disturbances, fire hazard and drought monitoring, biomass and carbon …
modelling, forest disturbances, fire hazard and drought monitoring, biomass and carbon …
Optimal input features for tree species classification in Central Europe based on multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data
Detailed knowledge about tree species composition is of great importance for forest
management. The two identical European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites …
management. The two identical European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites …
[HTML][HTML] SITS-Former: A pre-trained spatio-spectral-temporal representation model for Sentinel-2 time series classification
Sentinel-2 images provide a rich source of information for a variety of land cover, vegetation,
and environmental monitoring applications due to their high spectral, spatial, and temporal …
and environmental monitoring applications due to their high spectral, spatial, and temporal …
Map** forest type and tree species on a regional scale using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data
A Hościło, A Lewandowska - Remote Sensing, 2019 - mdpi.com
There are a limited number of studies addressing the forest status, its extent, location, type
and composition over a larger area at the regional or national levels. The dense time series …
and composition over a larger area at the regional or national levels. The dense time series …
[HTML][HTML] Forest type identification with random forest using Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-2A, multi-temporal Landsat-8 and DEM data
Carbon sink estimation and ecological assessment of forests require accurate forest type
map**. The traditional survey method is time consuming and labor intensive, and the …
map**. The traditional survey method is time consuming and labor intensive, and the …