Chaos, fractional kinetics, and anomalous transport
GM Zaslavsky - Physics reports, 2002 - Elsevier
Chaotic dynamics can be considered as a physical phenomenon that bridges the regular
evolution of systems with the random one. These two alternative states of physical …
evolution of systems with the random one. These two alternative states of physical …
[KNYGA][B] Hamiltonian chaos and fractional dynamics
GM Zaslavsky - 2005 -
The dynamics of realistic Hamiltonian systems has unusual microscopic features that are
direct consequences of its fractional space-time structure and its phase space topology. The …
direct consequences of its fractional space-time structure and its phase space topology. The …
Classical and quantum chaos in atom optics
F Saif - Physics Reports, 2005 - Elsevier
The interaction of an atom with an electro-magnetic field is discussed in the presence of a
time periodic external modulating force. It is explained that a control on atom by electro …
time periodic external modulating force. It is explained that a control on atom by electro …
Heat conduction and entropy production in a one-dimensional hard-particle gas
P Grassberger, W Nadler, L Yang - Physical review letters, 2002 - APS
We present large scale simulations for a one-dimensional chain of hard-point particles with
alternating masses and correct several claims in recent literature based on much smaller …
alternating masses and correct several claims in recent literature based on much smaller …
Quantum chaos in triangular billiards
We present an extensive numerical study of spectral statistics and eigenfunctions of
quantized triangular billiards. We compute two million consecutive eigenvalues for six …
quantized triangular billiards. We compute two million consecutive eigenvalues for six …
Heat conduction in a one-dimensional gas of elastically colliding particles of unequal masses
A Dhar - Physical review letters, 2001 - APS
We study the nonequilibrium state of heat conduction in a one-dimensional system of hard
point particles of unequal masses interacting through elastic collisions. A BBGKY-type …
point particles of unequal masses interacting through elastic collisions. A BBGKY-type …
[KNYGA][B] Microscopic chaos, fractals and transport in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
R Klages - 2007 -
A valuable introduction for newcomers as well as an important reference and source of
inspiration for established researchers, this book provides an up-to-date summary of central …
inspiration for established researchers, this book provides an up-to-date summary of central …
Mixing property of triangular billiards
G Casati, T Prosen - Physical Review Letters, 1999 - APS
We present numerical evidence which strongly suggests that irrational triangular billiards (all
angles irrational with π) are mixing. Since these systems are known to have zero …
angles irrational with π) are mixing. Since these systems are known to have zero …
Chaos and integrability in triangular billiards
We characterize quantum dynamics in triangular billiards in terms of five properties:(1) the
level spacing ratio (LSR),(2) spectral complexity (SC),(3) Lanczos coefficient variance,(4) …
level spacing ratio (LSR),(2) spectral complexity (SC),(3) Lanczos coefficient variance,(4) …
Billiard dynamics: An updated survey with the emphasis on open problems
E Gutkin - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear …, 2012 -
This is an updated and expanded version of our earlier survey article [E. Gutkin,“Billiard
dynamics: a survey with the emphasis on open problems,” Regular Chaotic Dyn. 8, 1–13 …
dynamics: a survey with the emphasis on open problems,” Regular Chaotic Dyn. 8, 1–13 …