Evolution of prefrontal cortex
Subdivisions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) evolved at different times. Agranular parts of the
PFC emerged in early mammals, and rodents, primates, and other modern mammals share …
PFC emerged in early mammals, and rodents, primates, and other modern mammals share …
The cortico-limbo-thalamo-cortical circuits: An update to the original papez circuit of the human limbic system
The Papez circuit, first proposed by James Papez in 1937, is a circuit believed to control
memory and emotions, composed of the cingulate cortex, entorhinal cortex …
memory and emotions, composed of the cingulate cortex, entorhinal cortex …
Detailed map** of the complex fiber structure and white matter pathways of the chimpanzee brain
Long-standing questions about human brain evolution may only be resolved through
comparisons with close living evolutionary relatives, such as chimpanzees. This applies in …
comparisons with close living evolutionary relatives, such as chimpanzees. This applies in …
[ספר][B] Understanding the prefrontal cortex: selective advantage, connectivity, and neural operations
R Passingham - 2021 - books.google.com
A successor to the acclaimed Neurobiology of the Prefrontal Cortex, Understanding the
Prefrontal Cortex presents a careful study of the anatomical connections in this brain region …
Prefrontal Cortex presents a careful study of the anatomical connections in this brain region …
A taxonomy of the brain's white matter: twenty-one major tracts for the 21st century
The functional and computational properties of brain areas are determined, in large part, by
their connectivity profiles. Advances in neuroimaging and network neuroscience allow us to …
their connectivity profiles. Advances in neuroimaging and network neuroscience allow us to …
A common space approach to comparative neuroscience
Comparative neuroscience is entering the era of big data. New high-throughput methods
and data-sharing initiatives have resulted in the availability of large, digital data sets …
and data-sharing initiatives have resulted in the availability of large, digital data sets …
Concurrent map** of brain ontogeny and phylogeny within a common space: Standardized tractography and applications
Developmental and evolutionary effects on brain organization are complex, yet linked, as
evidenced by the correspondence in cortical area expansion across these vastly different …
evidenced by the correspondence in cortical area expansion across these vastly different …
Comparing human and chimpanzee temporal lobe neuroanatomy reveals modifications to human language hubs beyond the frontotemporal arcuate fasciculus
The biological foundation for the language-ready brain in the human lineage remains a
debated subject. In humans, the arcuate fasciculus (AF) white matter and the posterior …
debated subject. In humans, the arcuate fasciculus (AF) white matter and the posterior …
Evolutionary neuroanatomical expansion of Broca's region serving a human-specific function
The question concerning the evolution of language is directly linked to the debate on
whether language and action are dependent or not and to what extent Broca's region serves …
whether language and action are dependent or not and to what extent Broca's region serves …
Beat-based dancing to music has evolutionary foundations in advanced vocal learning
Dancing to music is ancient and widespread in human cultures. While dance shows great
cultural diversity, it often involves nonvocal rhythmic movements synchronized to musical …
cultural diversity, it often involves nonvocal rhythmic movements synchronized to musical …