Accelerating Bianchi type-V cosmology with perfect fluid and heat flow in Saez-Ballester theory

A Pradhan, A Kumar Singh, DS Chouhan - International Journal of …, 2013 - Springer
In this paper we discuss the law of variation of scale factor a=(t^ke^t)^1n which yields a time-
dependent deceleration parameter (DP) representing a new class of models that generate a …

Two-fluid atmosphere from decelerating to accelerating Friedmann–Robertson–Walker dark energy models

A Pradhan - Indian Journal of Physics, 2014 - Springer
Evolution of dark energy parameter within scope of a spatially homogeneous and isotropic
Friedmann–Robertson–Walker model filled with perfect fluid and dark energy components is …

Hypersurface-homogeneous space-time with anisotropic dark energy in scalar tensor theory of gravitation

SD Katore, AY Shaikh - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2015 - Springer
The exact solutions of the field equations for Hypersurface-homogeneous space time under
the assumption on the anisotropy of the fluid (dark energy) are obtained for exponential and …

Dynamics of Bianchi type-II anisotropic dark energy cosmological model in the presence of scalar-meson fields

DRK Reddy, Y Aditya, KD Naidu - Canadian Journal of Physics, 2019 -
Today dark energy cosmological models have become essential to explain the accelerated
expansion of the universe. Motivated by this we investigate, in this paper, a dark energy …

Anisotropic LRS Bianchi type-V Cosmological Models with Bulk Viscous String within the Framework of Saez-Ballester Theory in Five-Dimensional Spacetime

J Daimary, RR Baruah - Journal of Scientific Research, 2024 -
When the source for the energy-momentum tensor is a bulk viscous fluid containing one-
dimensional cosmic strings, a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-V …

Five dimensional anisotropic dark energy model in f(R,T) gravity

VUM Rao, DC Papa Rao - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Five dimensional Kaluza-Klein space-time is considered in the presence of
anisotropic dark energy in f (R, T) gravity proposed by Harko et al.(Phys. Rev. D 84: 024020 …

Higher dimensional Bianchi type-III string cosmological models with dark energy in Brans-Dicke scalar-tensor theory of gravitation

D Trivedi, AK Bhabor - New Astronomy, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Five dimensional anisotropic Bianchi type-III cosmological model has been
investigated within the framework of Brans-Dicke (Phys. Rev. 124: 925, 1961) scalar-tensor …

A new class of Bianchi type-I cosmological models in scalar-tensor theory of gravitation and late time acceleration

A Pradhan, AK Singh, H Amirhashchi - International Journal of Theoretical …, 2012 - Springer
A new class of a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-I cosmological models
of the universe for perfect fluid distribution within the framework of scalar-tensor theory of …

Higher-dimensional Bianchi type-I dark energy models with barotropic fluid in Saez-Ballester scalar-tensor theory of gravitation

D Trivedi, AK Bhabor - Indian Journal of Physics, 2023 - Springer
In this paper, we have explored the features of the five-dimensional Bianchi type-I
cosmological universe filled with barotropic fluid and dark energy within the framework of …

Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) cosmological model in the present perspective

GK Goswami - Canadian Journal of Physics, 2019 -
In this paper, we have presented a cosmological model that represents spatially
homogenous and isotropic accelerating universe from the perspective of the latest …