Compound heat and moisture extreme impacts on global crop yields under climate change
Extreme heat, drought and moisture excess are increasingly co-occurring within a single
growing season, impacting crop yields in global breadbasket regions. In this Review, we …
growing season, impacting crop yields in global breadbasket regions. In this Review, we …
Evidence and attribution of the enhanced land carbon sink
Climate change has been partially mitigated by an increasing net land carbon sink in the
terrestrial biosphere; understanding the processes that drive this sink is thus essential for …
terrestrial biosphere; understanding the processes that drive this sink is thus essential for …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of climate change on insect pest biology and ecology: Implications for pest management strategies, crop production, and food security
The explosive expansion of the global population and technological progress has greatly
influenced agriculture and food production. However, this progress is threatened by climate …
influenced agriculture and food production. However, this progress is threatened by climate …
[HTML][HTML] Climate change: Strategies for mitigation and adaptation
The sustainability of life on Earth is under increasing threat due to human-induced climate
change. This perilous change in the Earth's climate is caused by increases in carbon dioxide …
change. This perilous change in the Earth's climate is caused by increases in carbon dioxide …
Develo** climate‐resilient crops: improving plant tolerance to stress combination
Global warming and climate change are driving an alarming increase in the frequency and
intensity of different abiotic stresses, such as droughts, heat waves, cold snaps, and …
intensity of different abiotic stresses, such as droughts, heat waves, cold snaps, and …
Into the shadows and back into sunlight: photosynthesis in fluctuating light
Photosynthesis is an important remaining opportunity for further improvement in the genetic
yield potential of our major crops. Measurement, analysis, and improvement of leaf CO2 …
yield potential of our major crops. Measurement, analysis, and improvement of leaf CO2 …
Climate change exacerbates the environmental impacts of agriculture
Agriculture's global environmental impacts are widely expected to continue expanding,
driven by population and economic growth and dietary changes. This Review highlights …
driven by population and economic growth and dietary changes. This Review highlights …
The effect of increasing temperature on crop photosynthesis: from enzymes to ecosystems
As global land surface temperature continues to rise and heatwave events increase in
frequency, duration, and/or intensity, our key food and fuel crop** systems will likely face …
frequency, duration, and/or intensity, our key food and fuel crop** systems will likely face …
Climate change challenges, plant science solutions
Climate change is a defining challenge of the 21st century, and this decade is a critical time
for action to mitigate the worst effects on human populations and ecosystems. Plant science …
for action to mitigate the worst effects on human populations and ecosystems. Plant science …
Warming reduces global agricultural production by decreasing crop** frequency and yields
Annual food caloric production is the product of caloric yield, crop** frequency (CF,
number of production seasons per year) and cropland area. Existing studies have largely …
number of production seasons per year) and cropland area. Existing studies have largely …