Factors associated with proximal femoral fractures in older adults during hospital stay: a cross-sectional study
M Moriwaki, A Takae, M Toba, M Sasaki… - BMJ Quality & …, 2024 - qualitysafety.bmj.com
Background Proximal femoral fractures in older adults affect prognosis, quality of life and
medical expenses. Therefore, identifying patients with an elevated risk for proximal femoral …
medical expenses. Therefore, identifying patients with an elevated risk for proximal femoral …
Cross-sectional analysis of fall-related factors with a focus on fall prevention self-efficacy and self-cognition of physical performance among community-dwelling older …
S Hayashi, Y Misu, T Sakamoto, T Yamamoto - Geriatrics, 2023 - mdpi.com
This study aimed to determine how fall prevention self-efficacy and degree of deviation in
self-cognition of physical performance, which have recently received attention for their …
self-cognition of physical performance, which have recently received attention for their …
Older adults do not consistently overestimate their action opportunities across different settings
I Bauer, MS Gölz, L Finkel, M Blasizzo, SEM Stoll… - Scientific Reports, 2025 - nature.com
Am I still able to climb the ladder? Aging accompanies changes in physical constitution and
a higher risk of injuries. At the same time, the judgment of action opportunities needs to be …
a higher risk of injuries. At the same time, the judgment of action opportunities needs to be …
[HTML][HTML] Motor imagery does not effectively improve walking-related performance in older adults: A randomised controlled trial
Background Inaccurate perception of one's physical abilities is potentially related to age-
related declines in motor planning and can lead to changes in walking. Motor imagery …
related declines in motor planning and can lead to changes in walking. Motor imagery …
Association between individual differences in gait motor imagery and visuo-spatial working memory after stroke
K Kotegawa, N Kuroda, J Sakata, R Fujii… - Neuroscience …, 2025 - Elsevier
Motor imagery is a mental process in which an individual internally simulates movements
without actual motor execution. Gait motor imagery is associated with visuospatial working …
without actual motor execution. Gait motor imagery is associated with visuospatial working …
Using crutches during walking possibly reduces gait imagery accuracy among healthy young and older adults
M Watanabe, H Tani - Journal of physical therapy science, 2022 - jstage.jst.go.jp
[Purpose] Although crutches are widely used in the field of rehabilitation to improve gait
performance, patients usually have difficulties using them, and this may increase their risks …
performance, patients usually have difficulties using them, and this may increase their risks …
坂野裕也, 村田伸, 森耕**, 安彦鉄**… - … プロモーション理学療法 …, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 本研究では, 最大一歩幅の予測と実測を併せて行い, 筋力やバランス能力,
歩行能力との関連から, 最大一歩幅の予測値の測定意義を検討した. 地域在住女性高齢者 100 …
歩行能力との関連から, 最大一歩幅の予測値の測定意義を検討した. 地域在住女性高齢者 100 …
[HTML][HTML] Motor Imagery of Walking in People Living with and without Multiple Sclerosis: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Mental Chronometry
Motor imagery represents the ability to simulate anticipated movements mentally prior to
their actual execution and has been proposed as a tool to assess both individuals' …
their actual execution and has been proposed as a tool to assess both individuals' …
Dynamic changes on brain function during early stage of Tai Chi training: A motor imagery-based fMRI study
L LI, X ZHANG, Y XU, B ZONG, W ZHAO… - Acta Psychologica …, 2023 - journal.psych.ac.cn
Accumulating evidence suggests that regular participation in physical exercise, especially
structured exercise with complex movement patterns like Tai Chi, is linked to change in brain …
structured exercise with complex movement patterns like Tai Chi, is linked to change in brain …
坂野裕也, 村田伸, 中野英樹 - ヘルスプロモーション理学療法研究, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 本研究は, 通所介護事業所を利用している要介護高齢者 238 人を対象に,
最大一歩幅を用いた認識誤差と身体機能との関係について, 歩行補助具使用の有無別に検討した …
最大一歩幅を用いた認識誤差と身体機能との関係について, 歩行補助具使用の有無別に検討した …