[HTML][HTML] A review and comparison on recent optimization methodologies for diesel engines and diesel power generators
The electrical instability that frequently distinguishes the isolated networks and depends on
diesel generators to supply their energy requirements leads to an operation of the diesel …
diesel generators to supply their energy requirements leads to an operation of the diesel …
Optimization of wind/solar energy microgrid by division algorithm considering human health and environmental impacts for power-water cogeneration
Although freshwater is necessary for the well-being of humankind, increasing population
growth and limited resources lead to a serious crisis to supply freshwater. Since the Earth is …
growth and limited resources lead to a serious crisis to supply freshwater. Since the Earth is …
Agro-industrial residue gasification feasibility in captive power plants: A South-Asian case study
The objective of this study is to build knowledge on the potential of agro-industrial residue
gasification (AIRG) for use in captive power generation through a comprehensive case …
gasification (AIRG) for use in captive power generation through a comprehensive case …
Effects of low charge and environmental conditions on diesel generators operation
In the context of electricity production in remote areas, the use of diesel generators, either
alone or in hybridization with renewable energy sources, faces many technical problems …
alone or in hybridization with renewable energy sources, faces many technical problems …
Variable Speed Diesel Electric Generators: Technologies, Benefits, Limitations, Impact on Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
A substantial share of the electric energy is generated with synchronous generators that
provide sustained alternating current (AC) voltage and frequency energy to regional and …
provide sustained alternating current (AC) voltage and frequency energy to regional and …
Influence of using waste plastic and/or recycled rubber as coarse aggregates on the performance of pervious concrete
Flooding is one of the climatic change consequences that has become a dangerous threat to
many coastal cities. Pervious concrete is considered a solution to decrease rainwater runoff …
many coastal cities. Pervious concrete is considered a solution to decrease rainwater runoff …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal planning of remote microgrids with multi-size split-diesel generators
This paper proposes a multi-size Split-diesel generator (Split-DG) model with three different
sizes of DGs and more switching configurations compared to the existing split-DG models …
sizes of DGs and more switching configurations compared to the existing split-DG models …
Experimental underperformance detection of a fixed-speed diesel–electric generator based on exhaust gas emissions
Low load is one of the most challenging combustion stages for a fixed-speed diesel electric
generator. Due to incomplete combustion during this phase, a significant proportion of …
generator. Due to incomplete combustion during this phase, a significant proportion of …
Multi-objective Sizing of Hybrid Generation Energy System for Remote Area Using Genetic Algorithm
This paper deals with the multi-objective sizing of hybrid generation energy system for
remote area context. A design of wind/PV/split-generator/storage battery model is optimized …
remote area context. A design of wind/PV/split-generator/storage battery model is optimized …
Détection et prévention du fonctionnement des génératrices diesel à faible charge par les réseaux de neurones artificiels
M Ghorbanzadeh - 2024 - semaphore.uqar.ca
Électrifier les régions éloignées qui n'ont pas accès au réseau électrique national dépend
fortement des générateurs diesel. Cependant, un défi majeur se pose lorsque la demande …
fortement des générateurs diesel. Cependant, un défi majeur se pose lorsque la demande …