A theoretical perspective on strategies for modeling high performance nonlinear optical materials
Nonlinear optical (NLO) materials have spanned a large area of science and technology
owning to their potential applications in optoelectronics. The invention of the first Ruby laser …
owning to their potential applications in optoelectronics. The invention of the first Ruby laser …
2D organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials for nonlinear optics
X Han, Y Zheng, S Chai, S Chen, J Xu - Nanophotonics, 2020 - degruyter.com
Abstract Two-dimensional (2D) organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites feature characteristics
of inherent quantum-well structures and intriguing optoelectronic properties, and have …
of inherent quantum-well structures and intriguing optoelectronic properties, and have …
Quantum Chemical Exploration of A−π1–D1–π2–D2-Type Compounds for the Exploration of Chemical Reactivity, Optoelectronic, and Third-order Nonlinear …
Organic compounds exhibit significant nonlinear optical (NLO) properties and can be
utilized in various areas like optical parameters, fiber optics, and optical communication …
utilized in various areas like optical parameters, fiber optics, and optical communication …
First theoretical framework of superalkali metals [M3X (M= Li, Na, k; X= O, S, F, N)] doped all-boron B38 nanocluster: A promising class of nonlinear optical materials …
Develo** highly efficient nonlinear optical (NLO) materials is an area of frontier research.
For the first time, all-boron fullerene analogue B38 nanocluster is utilized for creating highly …
For the first time, all-boron fullerene analogue B38 nanocluster is utilized for creating highly …
Superalkali (Li2F, Li3F) doped Al12N12 electrides with enhanced static, dynamic nonlinear optical responses and refractive indices
In the present work, superalkalis (Li 2 F and Li 3 F) doped Al 12 N 12 nanocages have been
designed and investigated theoretically to elucidate the correlations between geometric …
designed and investigated theoretically to elucidate the correlations between geometric …
First-principles study for exploring the adsorption behavior of G-series nerve agents on graphdyine surface
Easy and effective detection of health hazards chemical warfare agents (CWA) is vital for the
good human health and safe environment. Here, we report the sensing of G type nerve …
good human health and safe environment. Here, we report the sensing of G type nerve …
Remarkable electronic and NLO properties of bimetallic superalkali clusters: a DFT study
Excess electron compounds possess remarkable first hyperpolarizabilities (β o) which make
them potential candidates for next-generation nonlinear optical materials. Herein, we …
them potential candidates for next-generation nonlinear optical materials. Herein, we …
Extremely large nonlinear optical response and excellent electronic stability of true alkaline earthides based on hexaammine complexant
A Ahsan, K Ayub - Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020 - Elsevier
Geometric, electronic and nonlinear optical properties of a new class of excess electron
compounds (alkaline earthides) have been investigated. The rational design principle …
compounds (alkaline earthides) have been investigated. The rational design principle …
Outstanding NLO response of thermodynamically stable single and multiple alkaline earth metals doped C20 fullerene
In the current study, the NLO response of single and multi-doped M@ C 20 (M= Be, Mg and
Ca) fullerenes is investigated. Electronic and NLO properties of C 20 fullerene are enhanced …
Ca) fullerenes is investigated. Electronic and NLO properties of C 20 fullerene are enhanced …
Diamondoid as potential nonlinear optical material by superalkali do**: a first principles study
Abstract Adamantane (C 10 H 16), the smallest diamondoid molecule, has sparked
considerable scientific interest due to its symmetric, single cage-shaped structure. In the …
considerable scientific interest due to its symmetric, single cage-shaped structure. In the …