Map** on multi/many-core systems: Survey of current and emerging trends

AK Singh, M Shafique, A Kumar, J Henkel - Proceedings of the 50th …, 2013 -
The reliance on multi/many-core systems to satisfy the high performance requirement of
complex embedded software applications is increasing. This necessitates the need to …

A survey and comparative study of hard and soft real-time dynamic resource allocation strategies for multi-/many-core systems

AK Singh, P Dziurzanski, HR Mendis… - ACM Computing Surveys …, 2017 -
Multi-/many-core systems are envisioned to satisfy the ever-increasing performance
requirements of complex applications in various domains such as embedded and high …

Scenario-based design flow for map** streaming applications onto on-chip many-core systems

L Schor, I Bacivarov, D Rai, H Yang, SH Kang… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 -
The next generation of embedded software has high performance requirements and is
increasingly dynamic. Multiple applications are typically sharing the system, running in …

Smart hill climbing for agile dynamic map** in many-core systems

M Fattah, M Daneshtalab, P Liljeberg… - Proceedings of the 50th …, 2013 -
Stochastic hill climbing algorithm is adapted to rapidly find the appropriate start node in the
application map** of network-based many-core systems. Due to highly dynamic and …

Performance evaluation of application map** approaches for network-on-chip designs

W Amin, F Hussain, S Anjum, S Khan, NK Baloch… - IEEE …, 2020 -
Network-on-chip (NoC) is evolving as a better substitute for incorporating a large number of
cores on a single system-on-chip (SoC). The dependency on multi-core systems to …

Invasive manycore architectures

J Henkel, A Herkersdorf, L Bauer, T Wild… - 17th Asia and South …, 2012 -
This paper introduces a scalable hardware and software platform applicable for
demonstrating the benefits of the invasive computing paradigm. The hardware architecture …

DAARM: Design-time application analysis and run-time map** for predictable execution in many-core systems

A Weichslgartner, D Gangadharan… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 -
Future many-core systems are envisaged to support the concurrent execution of varying
mixes of different applications. Because of the vast number of binding options for such mixes …

A Survey on Dynamic Application Map** Approaches for Real-Time Network-on-Chip-Based Platforms

S Saleem, F Hussain, W Amin, R Ahmed… - IEEE …, 2023 -
Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been unfolded as a superior alternative for integrating a
considerably greater extent of cores on a single chip. Recently, multi-core systems have …

Computing in the dark silicon era: Current trends and research challenges

M Shafique, S Garg - IEEE Design & Test, 2016 -
Computing in the Dark Silicon Era: Current Trends and Research Challenges Page 1 2168-2356
(c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE …

Distributed resource management in NoC-based MPSoCs with dynamic cluster sizes

G Castilhos, M Mandelli, G Madalozzo… - 2013 IEEE Computer …, 2013 -
Scalability is an important issue in large MPSoCs. MPSoCs may execute several
applications in parallel, with dynamic workload, and tight QoS constraints. Thus, the MPSoC …