Review on recent progress in magnetic nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization, and diverse applications
Diverse applications of nanoparticles (NPs) have revolutionized various sectors in society. In
the recent decade, particularly magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have gained enormous …
the recent decade, particularly magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have gained enormous …
Layered double hydroxide-based electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction: identification and tailoring of active sites, and superaerophobic nanoarray …
The electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is a critical half-cell reaction for
hydrogen production via water electrolysis. However, the practical OER suffers from sluggish …
hydrogen production via water electrolysis. However, the practical OER suffers from sluggish …
Tracking and navigation of a microswarm under laser speckle contrast imaging for targeted delivery
Micro/nanorobotic swarms consisting of numerous tiny building blocks show great potential
in biomedical applications because of their collective active delivery ability, enhanced …
in biomedical applications because of their collective active delivery ability, enhanced …
Bioinspired claw-engaged and biolubricated swimming microrobots creating active retention in blood vessels
Swimming microrobots guided in the circulation system offer considerable promise in
precision medicine but currently suffer from problems such as limited adhesion to blood …
precision medicine but currently suffer from problems such as limited adhesion to blood …
Magnetically driven micro and nanorobots
Manipulation and navigation of micro and nanoswimmers in different fluid environments can
be achieved by chemicals, external fields, or even motile cells. Many researchers have …
be achieved by chemicals, external fields, or even motile cells. Many researchers have …
Dual-responsive biohybrid neutrobots for active target delivery
Swimming biohybrid microsized robots (eg, bacteria-or sperm-driven microrobots) with self-
propelling and navigating capabilities have become an exciting field of research, thanks to …
propelling and navigating capabilities have become an exciting field of research, thanks to …
Machine learning for micro-and nanorobots
Abstract Machine learning (ML) has revolutionized robotics by enhancing perception,
adaptability, decision-making and more, enabling robots to work in complex scenarios …
adaptability, decision-making and more, enabling robots to work in complex scenarios …
Multifunctional microrobot with real-time visualization and magnetic resonance imaging for chemoembolization therapy of liver cancer
Microrobots that can be precisely guided to target lesions have been studied for in vivo
medical applications. However, existing microrobots have challenges in vivo such as …
medical applications. However, existing microrobots have challenges in vivo such as …
Trends in micro‐/nanorobotics: materials development, actuation, localization, and system integration for biomedical applications
Abstract Micro‐/nanorobots (m‐bots) have attracted significant interest due to their suitability
for applications in biomedical engineering and environmental remediation. Particularly, their …
for applications in biomedical engineering and environmental remediation. Particularly, their …
Magnetically actuated continuum medical robots: A review
Z Yang, H Yang, Y Cao, Y Cui… - Advanced intelligent …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The magnetic field has unique advantages in manipulating miniature robots working inside
the human body, such as high transparency to biological tissue and good controllability for …
the human body, such as high transparency to biological tissue and good controllability for …