Turkish-German heritage speakers' predictive use of case: webcam-based vs. in-lab eye-tracking

O Özsoy, B Çiçek, Z Özal, N Gagarina… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Recently, Özge et al. have argued that Turkish and German monolingual 4-year-old children
can interpret case-marking predictively disregarding word order. Heritage speakers (HSs) …

Prediction in bilingual sentence processing: Is it linked to production?

N Meir, O Parshina, IA Sekerina - Linguistic Approaches to …, 2024 - jbe-platform.com
Abstract The Unified Competition Model (MacWhinney, 2012) accounts for cross-linguistic
differences in thematic role map**. We investigated production and predictive use of …

Bilingual children's online processing of relative clauses: evidence from heritage Greek

K Katsika, M Lialiou, SEM Allen - Linguistic Approaches to …, 2024 - jbe-platform.com
Long-distance dependencies such as relative clauses (RCs) are known to be vulnerable in
heritage grammars (eg, Montrul, 2008). Previous studies in RC comprehension have shown …

Awareness is one thing and mastery is another: Korean-speaking children's comprehension of a suffixal passive construction in Korean

GH Shin - Cognitive Development, 2022 - Elsevier
Two accounts—gradual abstraction and early abstraction—offer competing explanations for
how learners proceed from concrete items to abstract representations pertaining to linguistic …

Assessing two methods of webcam-based eye-tracking for child language research

M Kandel, J Snedeker - Journal of Child Language, 2024 - cambridge.org
We assess the feasibility of conducting web-based eye-tracking experiments with children
using two methods of webcam-based eye-tracking: automatic gaze estimation with the …

Relative clause attachment in Mandarin Chinese: insights from classifier-noun agreement

F Liu, CJC Lin - Frontiers in Language Sciences, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Introduction Previous studies have shown that relative clause (RC) attachment preferences
vary across languages, often influenced by factors like morphosyntactic agreement (eg …

[PDF][PDF] Children can interpret counterfactual conditionals incrementally using morpho-syntactic cues

SC Aktepe, D Sarısoy - Boston University Conference on Language …, 2024 - lingref.com
Children demonstrate the ability to reason using logical words like and (Morris, 2008) and
not (Feiman et al, 2017) from two and a half years of age, or from three years of age (Mody & …

Incremental Processing of Morphosyntax for Counterfactual Reasoning: An Eye-Tracking Study with Turkish-Speaking Children and Adults

SC Aktepe - 2022 - search.proquest.com
This study aimed to investigate whether children as young as age four can incrementally use
morphosyntactic cues for counterfactual reasoning at adult-like level. Therefore, in this study …

A Look “Inside” Children's Real-time Processing of Spatial Prepositions

Z Ovans, H Yun, S Yi, B Landau… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - escholarship.org
A wealth of evidence indicates that children use their develo** linguistic knowledge to
incrementally interpret speech and predict upcoming reference to objects. For verbs …

Prediction in bilingual sentence processing: Is it linked to production?

M Natalia, O Parshina, IA Sekerina - 2024 - academicworks.cuny.edu
Abstract The Unified Competition Model (MacWhinney, 2012) accounts for cross-linguistic
differences in thematic role map**. We investigated production and predictive use of …