Classify and Analyze the Security Issues and Challenges in Mobile banking in Uzbekistan

A Abdullaev, MA Al-Absi, AA Al-Absi… - 2020 22nd …, 2020 -
Due to advancement and growth in mobile technology, mobile banking is now included in
our lives. in Uzbekistan, Mobile banking is a subset of Mobile-services where all banks …

Late banking transitions: Comparing Uzbekistan to earlier reformers

D Babasyan, Y Gu, M Melecky - World Development Perspectives, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper compares the early experience of Uzbekistan with transitioning its banking
system to market principles with the experience of former transition economies. To that …

Security Challenge and issue of Mobile Banking in republic of uzbekistan: A State of Art Survey

A Abdullaev, MA Al-Absi, AA Al-Absi… - 2019 21st …, 2019 -
A mobile phone is a device that widespread technology that turns into a part of every person
in the information era. Mobile banking is a framework that permits clients of a monetary …

[PDF][PDF] Late banking transitions

D Babasyan, Y Gu, M Melecky - … Uzbekistan to earlier …, 2022 -
In 2017, Uzbekistan embarked on an ambitious economic transition focused on economic
liberalization and improving macroeconomic management. The reforms to date include …

Özbekistan'da Sovyet Sonrası Kalkınma Sürecinde Girişimci Kadınlar

Y Gaipova - 2022 -
Neoliberal kalkınma söyleminde girişimciliğin ekonomik kalkınma için itici güç olarak kabul
edilmesiyle, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yoksulluktan kurtulmak ve kalkınmak için girişimcilik …