Classify and Analyze the Security Issues and Challenges in Mobile banking in Uzbekistan
Due to advancement and growth in mobile technology, mobile banking is now included in
our lives. in Uzbekistan, Mobile banking is a subset of Mobile-services where all banks …
our lives. in Uzbekistan, Mobile banking is a subset of Mobile-services where all banks …
Late banking transitions: Comparing Uzbekistan to earlier reformers
D Babasyan, Y Gu, M Melecky - World Development Perspectives, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper compares the early experience of Uzbekistan with transitioning its banking
system to market principles with the experience of former transition economies. To that …
system to market principles with the experience of former transition economies. To that …
Security Challenge and issue of Mobile Banking in republic of uzbekistan: A State of Art Survey
A mobile phone is a device that widespread technology that turns into a part of every person
in the information era. Mobile banking is a framework that permits clients of a monetary …
in the information era. Mobile banking is a framework that permits clients of a monetary …
[PDF][PDF] Late banking transitions
D Babasyan, Y Gu, M Melecky - … Uzbekistan to earlier …, 2022 - documents1.worldbank.org
In 2017, Uzbekistan embarked on an ambitious economic transition focused on economic
liberalization and improving macroeconomic management. The reforms to date include …
liberalization and improving macroeconomic management. The reforms to date include …
Özbekistan'da Sovyet Sonrası Kalkınma Sürecinde Girişimci Kadınlar
Y Gaipova - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Neoliberal kalkınma söyleminde girişimciliğin ekonomik kalkınma için itici güç olarak kabul
edilmesiyle, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yoksulluktan kurtulmak ve kalkınmak için girişimcilik …
edilmesiyle, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yoksulluktan kurtulmak ve kalkınmak için girişimcilik …