Chirped pulses meet quantum dots: innovations, challenges, and future perspectives
Shaped laser pulses have been remarkably effective in investigating various aspects of light–
matter interactions spanning a broad range of research. Chirped laser pulses exhibiting a …
matter interactions spanning a broad range of research. Chirped laser pulses exhibiting a …
Kee** the photon in the dark: Enabling full quantum dot control by chirped pulses and magnetic fields
Because dark excitons in quantum dots are not directly optically accessible, so far they have
not played a significant role in using quantum dots for photon generation. They possess …
not played a significant role in using quantum dots for photon generation. They possess …
[HTML][HTML] Compact chirped fiber bragg gratings for single-photon generation from quantum dots
A scalable source of single photons is a key constituent of an efficient quantum photonic
architecture. To realize this, it is beneficial to have an ensemble of quantum emitters that can …
architecture. To realize this, it is beneficial to have an ensemble of quantum emitters that can …
Robust parallel laser driving of quantum dots for multiplexing of quantum light sources
Deterministic sources of quantum light (ie single photons or pairs of entangled photons) are
required for a whole host of applications in quantum technology, including quantum …
required for a whole host of applications in quantum technology, including quantum …
Robust single-photon generation for quantum information enabled by stimulated adiabatic rapid passage
The generation of single photons using solid-state quantum emitters is pivotal for advancing
photonic quantum technologies, particularly in quantum communication. As the field …
photonic quantum technologies, particularly in quantum communication. As the field …
Role of Quantum Computing in Government and the Defence Sector
Quantum computing is a revolutionary technology that has the potential to transform various
industries, including government operations, defence strategies, and national security. The …
industries, including government operations, defence strategies, and national security. The …
Revolutionizing National Security: An Analysis of Quantum Computing's Impact on Government and Defense
A new paradigm in computing called quantum computing has the potential to change many
industries, including the military and government. The purpose of this study is to examine the …
industries, including the military and government. The purpose of this study is to examine the …
[PDF][PDF] Appendix B. Peer-reviewed publications and pre-prints
TM Krieger - Quantum Dots as Bright Sources of Entangled Photon …, 2024 - epub.jku.at
[49] C. Gabriel, C. Wittmann, D. Sych, R. Dong, W. Mauerer, UL Andersen, C. Marquardt, and
G. Leuchs.“A generator for unique quantum random numbers based on vacuum states” …
G. Leuchs.“A generator for unique quantum random numbers based on vacuum states” …
Chirped pulse excitation scheme for the efficient generation of frequency multiplexed photons
State-inversion of multiple quantum dot (QD) single photon emitters is demonstrated using a
spectrally-notched, chirped optical pulse. Simultaneous excitation of multiple QDs enables …
spectrally-notched, chirped optical pulse. Simultaneous excitation of multiple QDs enables …
Chirped Pulse Excitation Scheme for the Efficient Generation of Frequency Multiplexed Photons
State-inversion of multiple quantum dot (QD) single photon emitters is demonstrated using a
spectrally-notched, chirped optical pulse. Simultaneous excitation of multiple QDs enables …
spectrally-notched, chirped optical pulse. Simultaneous excitation of multiple QDs enables …