The future of fish passage science, engineering, and practice
Much effort has been devoted to develo**, constructing and refining fish passage facilities
to enable target species to pass barriers on fluvial systems, and yet, fishway science …
to enable target species to pass barriers on fluvial systems, and yet, fishway science …
The determination of standard metabolic rate in fishes
This review and data analysis outline how fish biologists should most reliably estimate the
minimal amount of oxygen needed by a fish to support its aerobic metabolic rate (termed …
minimal amount of oxygen needed by a fish to support its aerobic metabolic rate (termed …
Measurement and relevance of maximum metabolic rate in fishes
Maximum (aerobic) metabolic rate (MMR) is defined here as the maximum rate of oxygen
consumption (O2max) that a fish can achieve at a given temperature under any ecologically …
consumption (O2max) that a fish can achieve at a given temperature under any ecologically …
Fish functional design and swimming performance
RW Blake - Journal of fish biology, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Classifications of fish swimming are reviewed as a prelude to discussing functional design
and performance in an ecological context. Webb (1984a, 1998) classified fishes based on …
and performance in an ecological context. Webb (1984a, 1998) classified fishes based on …
Pragmatic perspective on aerobic scope: peaking, plummeting, pejus and apportioning
AP Farrell - Journal of Fish Biology, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
A major challenge for fish biologists in the 21st century is to predict the biotic effects of global
climate change. With marked changes in biogeographic distribution already in evidence for …
climate change. With marked changes in biogeographic distribution already in evidence for …
The effect of temperature on swimming performance and oxygen consumption in adult sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and coho (O. kisutch)salmon stocks
CG Lee, AP Farrell, A Lotto… - Journal of …, 2003 -
Our knowledge of the swimming capabilities and metabolic rates of adult salmon, and
particularly the influence of temperature on them, is extremely limited, and yet this …
particularly the influence of temperature on them, is extremely limited, and yet this …
Acute Embryonic or Juvenile Exposure to Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil Impairs the Swimming Performance of Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)
The Deepwater Horizon incident likely resulted in exposure of commercially and
ecologically important fish species to crude oil during the sensitive early life stages. We …
ecologically important fish species to crude oil during the sensitive early life stages. We …
Pacific salmon in hot water: applying aerobic scope models and biotelemetry to predict the success of spawning migrations
Concern over global climate change is widespread, but quantifying relationships between
temperature change and animal fitness has been a challenge for scientists. Our approach to …
temperature change and animal fitness has been a challenge for scientists. Our approach to …
Collective movement of schooling fish reduces the costs of locomotion in turbulent conditions
The ecological and evolutionary benefits of energy-saving in collective behaviors are rooted
in the physical principles and physiological mechanisms underpinning animal locomotion …
in the physical principles and physiological mechanisms underpinning animal locomotion …
Little left in the tank: metabolic scaling in marine teleosts and its implications for aerobic scope
SS Killen, I Costa, JA Brown… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 -
Fish larvae are the world's smallest vertebrates, and their high rates of mortality may be
partially owing to a very limited aerobic scope. Unfortunately, however, no complete …
partially owing to a very limited aerobic scope. Unfortunately, however, no complete …