Describing shapes by geometrical-topological properties of real functions

S Biasotti, L De Floriani, B Falcidieno… - ACM Computing …, 2008 -
Differential topology, and specifically Morse theory, provide a suitable setting for formalizing
and solving several problems related to shape analysis. The fundamental idea behind …

[PDF][PDF] Topological methods for the analysis of high dimensional data sets and 3d object recognition.

G Singh, F Mémoli, GE Carlsson - PBG@ Eurographics, 2007 -
We present a computational method for extracting simple descriptions of high dimensional
data sets in the form of simplicial complexes. Our method, called Mapper, is based on the …

3d skeletons: A state‐of‐the‐art report

A Tagliasacchi, T Delame, M Spagnuolo… - Computer Graphics …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Given a shape, a skeleton is a thin centered structure which jointly describes the topology
and the geometry of the shape. Skeletons provide an alternative to classical boundary or …

Curve-skeleton properties, applications, and algorithms

ND Cornea, D Silver, P Min - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 -
Curve-skeletons are thinned 1D representations of 3D objects useful for many visualization
tasks including virtual navigation, reduced-model formulation, visualization improvement …

Mean curvature skeletons

A Tagliasacchi, I Alhashim, M Olson… - Computer Graphics …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Inspired by recent developments in contraction‐based curve skeleton extraction, we
formulate the skeletonization problem via mean curvature flow (MCF). While the classical …

Reeb graphs for shape analysis and applications

S Biasotti, D Giorgi, M Spagnuolo… - Theoretical computer …, 2008 - Elsevier
Reeb graphs are compact shape descriptors which convey topological information related to
the level sets of a function defined on the shape. Their definition dates back to 1946, and …

Categorified reeb graphs

V De Silva, E Munch, A Patel - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2016 - Springer
The Reeb graph is a construction which originated in Morse theory to study a real-valued
function defined on a topological space. More recently, it has been used in various …

A practical introduction to skeletons for the plant sciences

A Bucksch - Applications in plant sciences, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Before the availability of digital photography resulting from the invention of charged couple
devices in 1969, the measurement of plant architecture was a manual process either on the …

Measuring distance between Reeb graphs

U Bauer, X Ge, Y Wang - Proceedings of the thirtieth annual symposium …, 2014 -
We propose a metric for Reeb graphs, called the functional distortion distance. Under this
distance, the Reeb graph is stable against small changes of input functions. At the same …

Shape analysis using the auto diffusion function

K Gȩbal, JA Bærentzen, H Aanæs… - Computer graphics …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Scalar functions defined on manifold triangle meshes is a starting point for many geometry
processing algorithms such as mesh parametrization, skeletonization, and segmentation. In …