Dark matter haloes and subhaloes
The development of methods and algorithms to solve the N-body problem for classical,
collisionless, non-relativistic particles has made it possible to follow the growth and …
collisionless, non-relativistic particles has made it possible to follow the growth and …
Review of latest advances on dark matter from the viewpoint of the Occam razor principle
E Oks - New Astronomy Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
The overwhelming majority of theories on dark matter either introduce exotic, never
discovered experimentally subatomic particles or change the physical laws. In this brief …
discovered experimentally subatomic particles or change the physical laws. In this brief …
The Local Group on FIRE: dwarf galaxy populations across a suite of hydrodynamic simulations
We present a new set of high-resolution hydrodynamic cosmological zoom-in simulations
that apply the Feedback In Realistic Environments physics to both Local Group (LG)-like and …
that apply the Feedback In Realistic Environments physics to both Local Group (LG)-like and …
fire in the field: simulating the threshold of galaxy formation
We present a suite of 15 cosmological zoom-in simulations of isolated dark matter haloes, all
with masses of M halo≈ 1010 M⊙ at z= 0, in order to understand the relationship among …
with masses of M halo≈ 1010 M⊙ at z= 0, in order to understand the relationship among …
Feedback reshapes the baryon distribution within haloes, in halo outskirts, and beyond: the closure radius from dwarfs to massive clusters
We explore three sets of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, IllustrisTNG (TNG50,
TNG100, and TNG300), EAGLE, and SIMBA, to investigate the physical processes impacting …
TNG100, and TNG300), EAGLE, and SIMBA, to investigate the physical processes impacting …
The detailed structure and the onset of galaxy formation in low-mass gaseous dark matter haloes
We present a model for the formation of the first galaxies before and after the reionization of
hydrogen in the early universe. In this model, galaxy formation can only take place in dark …
hydrogen in the early universe. In this model, galaxy formation can only take place in dark …
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Data Release 4 and the z < 0.1 total and z < 0.08 morphological galaxy stellar mass functions
ABSTRACT In Galaxy And Mass Assembly Data Release 4 (GAMA DR4), we make
available our full spectroscopic redshift sample. This includes 248 682 galaxy spectra, and …
available our full spectroscopic redshift sample. This includes 248 682 galaxy spectra, and …
A comprehensive model for the formation and evolution of the faintest Milky Way dwarf satellites
In this study, we modify the semi-analytic model galacticus in order to accurately reproduce
the observed properties of dwarf galaxies in the Milky Way. We find that reproducing …
the observed properties of dwarf galaxies in the Milky Way. We find that reproducing …
SIDM on fire: hydrodynamical self-interacting dark matter simulations of low-mass dwarf galaxies
We compare a suite of four simulated dwarf galaxies formed in 1010 M⊙ haloes of
collisionless cold dark matter (CDM) with galaxies simulated in the same haloes with an …
collisionless cold dark matter (CDM) with galaxies simulated in the same haloes with an …
The origin of the mass discrepancy–acceleration relation in ΛCDM
We examine the origin of the mass discrepancy–radial acceleration relation (MDAR) of disc
galaxies. This is a tight empirical correlation between the disc centripetal acceleration and …
galaxies. This is a tight empirical correlation between the disc centripetal acceleration and …