Critical review of heavy metal pollution of traffic area runoff: Occurrence, influencing factors, and partitioning
A dataset of 294 monitored sites from six continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North
and South America) was compiled and evaluated to characterize the occurrence and fate of …
and South America) was compiled and evaluated to characterize the occurrence and fate of …
Review of pollutants in urban road dust and stormwater runoff: part 1. Heavy metals released from vehicles
Urban road dust can be highly enriched with trace metals such as copper, lead, zinc, and
platinum group elements (PGEs) that are released primarily from vehicles. Concentrations of …
platinum group elements (PGEs) that are released primarily from vehicles. Concentrations of …
Experiment and multiscale molecular simulations on the Cu absorption by biochar-modified asphalt: An insight into removal capability and mechanism of heavy metals …
Asphalt has been the primary material for pavements and other building components such
as roof shingles and waterproofing systems, which can be the path for stormwater runoff …
as roof shingles and waterproofing systems, which can be the path for stormwater runoff …
Influence of temperature and salinity on heavy metal uptake by submersed plants
Submersed plants can be useful in reducing heavy metal concentrations in stormwater,
since they can accumulate large amounts of heavy metals in their shoots. To investigate the …
since they can accumulate large amounts of heavy metals in their shoots. To investigate the …
Runoff pollutants of a highly trafficked urban road–Correlation analysis and seasonal influences
The quality of road runoff at a highly trafficked road has been studied for 2years. 63 storm
events have been sampled and analyzed. Besides pH value and electric conductivity the …
events have been sampled and analyzed. Besides pH value and electric conductivity the …
Phthalates and nonylphenols in urban runoff: Occurrence, distribution and area emission factors
The urban water system is believed to be an important sink for the nonpoint-source
pollutants nonylphenols and phthalates. The presence of nonylphenols (NPs), nonylphenol …
pollutants nonylphenols and phthalates. The presence of nonylphenols (NPs), nonylphenol …
Aquatic and terrestrial plant species with potential to remove heavy metals from stormwater
Remediation of stormwater polluted with heavy metals should be possible in percolation
systems, ponds, or wetlands. The aim of this work was to find plant species for such systems …
systems, ponds, or wetlands. The aim of this work was to find plant species for such systems …
Review of perspective, problems, challenges, and future scenario of metal contamination in the urban environment
Urbanization is a constant accelerating global phenomenon that demands proper
understanding of the interactions between the anthropogenic activities, related emission of …
understanding of the interactions between the anthropogenic activities, related emission of …
Understanding the relationship between heavy metals in road-deposited sediments and washoff particles in urban stormwater using simulated rainfall
Understanding the relationship between heavy metals in road-deposited sediments (RDS)
and washoff particles is essential to controlling urban runoff pollution. RDS and its …
and washoff particles is essential to controlling urban runoff pollution. RDS and its …
[HTML][HTML] Examination of interactions between heavy metals and benzotriazoles in rainwater runoff and snowmelt in an urban catchment in Poland
Heavy metals (HMs) are toxic pollutants that can accumulate and harm human health and
the environment. Monitoring their concentration in water is an essential tool for evaluating …
the environment. Monitoring their concentration in water is an essential tool for evaluating …