Lost connections: Oxytocin and the neural, physiological, and behavioral consequences of disrupted relationships
In humans and rodent animal models, the brain oxytocin system is paramount for facilitating
social bonds, from the formation and consequences of early-life parent-infant bonds to adult …
social bonds, from the formation and consequences of early-life parent-infant bonds to adult …
Aging, social distancing, and COVID-19 risk: Who is more vulnerable and why?
Perceived social support represents an important predictor of healthy aging. The global
COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the face of social relationships and revealed …
COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the face of social relationships and revealed …
On the deep structure of social affect: Attitudes, emotions, sentiments, and the case of “contempt”
Contempt is typically studied as a uniquely human moral emotion. However, this approach
has yielded inconclusive results. We argue this is because the folk affect concept “contempt” …
has yielded inconclusive results. We argue this is because the folk affect concept “contempt” …
Dyadic, biobehavioral, and sociocultural approaches to romantic relationships and health: Implications for research, practice, and policy
Romantic relationships are a key health determinant. Partners influence each other's
psychological, behavioral, and biological trajectories in ways that can foster health and …
psychological, behavioral, and biological trajectories in ways that can foster health and …
Oxytocin, cortisol, and cognitive control during acute and naturalistic stress
Although stress is a strong risk factor for poor health, especially for women, it remains
unclear how stress affects the key neurohormones cortisol and oxytocin, which influence …
unclear how stress affects the key neurohormones cortisol and oxytocin, which influence …
Social monogamy in nonhuman primates: phylogeny, phenotype, and physiology
Monogamy as a social system has been both a scientific puzzle and a sociocultural issue for
decades. In this review, we examine social monogamy from a comparative perspective with …
decades. In this review, we examine social monogamy from a comparative perspective with …
Hormonal systems, human social bonding, and affiliation
Which hormones are implicated in human social bonding and affiliation? And how does field
research speak to this issue? We begin by laying out a broad view of how endocrine …
research speak to this issue? We begin by laying out a broad view of how endocrine …
Urinary oxytocin levels in relation to post-conflict affiliations in wild male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)
Many animals living in social groups have evolved behaviors to resolve conflicts between
group members, behaviors thought crucial for maintaining stable group life. Several …
group members, behaviors thought crucial for maintaining stable group life. Several …
Oxytocin and vulnerable romantic relationships
Oxytocin (OT) has been implicated in the formation and maintenance of various social
relationships, including human romantic relationships. Competing models predict …
relationships, including human romantic relationships. Competing models predict …
The “managed” or damaged heart? Emotional labor, gender, and posttraumatic stressors predict workplace event-related acute changes in cortisol, oxytocin, and …
Vital to the everyday operation of police services, police communicators (911 call-takers and
dispatchers) are persistently subject to imminent challenges in the workplace; they must …
dispatchers) are persistently subject to imminent challenges in the workplace; they must …