[HTML][HTML] Progress in thermodynamic simulation and system optimization of pyrolysis and gasification of biomass
Y Zhang, Y Ji, H Qian - Green Chemical Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Due to the shortage of fossil energy, biomass has a potential to be a very promising
alternative source. Unfortunately, a large part of biomass resources worldwide causes …
alternative source. Unfortunately, a large part of biomass resources worldwide causes …
Co-gasification of Low-grade coal with Madhuca longifolia (Mahua) biomass and dual-fuelled mode engine performance: Effect of biomass blend and engine …
Increasing energy requirements worldwide have prompted energy generation migration
through alternate resources. Gasification is an established thermochemical conversion …
through alternate resources. Gasification is an established thermochemical conversion …
Co-gasification of waste triple feed-material blends using downdraft gasifier integrated with dual fuel diesel engine: An RSM-based comparative parametric …
Biomass has promising potential as feed material for gasification and subsequent power
generation, whereas these sources are seasonal and scattered in the country. Therefore, the …
generation, whereas these sources are seasonal and scattered in the country. Therefore, the …
[HTML][HTML] Implications of European Union recast Renewable Energy Directive sustainability criteria for renewable heat and transport: Case study of willow biomethane …
Abstract The 2018 recast European Renewable Energy Directive (RED recast) sets
emissions savings criteria for renewable fuels. This paper assesses the life-cycle emissions …
emissions savings criteria for renewable fuels. This paper assesses the life-cycle emissions …
Performance simulation and optimization of SI engine fueled with peach biomass-based producer gas and propane blend
Biomass and agricultural waste can be used to generate electricity in remote areas through
a Gasifier-engine-generator set. However, producer gas-fueled engines have low power …
a Gasifier-engine-generator set. However, producer gas-fueled engines have low power …
Comparative analysis of Gasifier-CI engine performance and emissions characteristics using diesel with producer gas derived from coal–briquette-coconut shell …
In this study, gasifier-dual fuelled engine (G-DFE) performance was conducted and
compared together with gasification of individual feedstock (ie, mahua wood, coconut shell …
compared together with gasification of individual feedstock (ie, mahua wood, coconut shell …
CeO2-modified CaO/Ca12Al14O33 bi-functional material for CO2 capture and H2 production in sorption-enhanced steam gasification of biomass
X Yan, Y Li, X Ma, Z Bian, J Zhao, Z Wang - Energy, 2020 - Elsevier
A novel CeO 2-modified CaO/Ca 12 Al 14 O 33 bi-functional material fabricated by wet-
mixing method was used in sorption-enhanced steam gasification of biomass for H 2 …
mixing method was used in sorption-enhanced steam gasification of biomass for H 2 …
Performance investigation and operation optimization of an innovative hybrid renewable energy integration system for commercial building complex and hydrogen …
X Zhang, J Su, F Jiao, R Zeng, J Pan, X He, Q Deng… - Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
With the increasing in energy demands and carbon emissions of building and transport
sectors, improving the penetration of renewable resources in these areas are inevitable …
sectors, improving the penetration of renewable resources in these areas are inevitable …
Gasification of briquette, mahua wood, and coconut shell and application to CI engines: comparative performance and optimisation analysis
Restoring a healthy environment and meeting the nation's expanding energy demand
requires an uninterrupted renewable energy supply with efficient technology. One of the …
requires an uninterrupted renewable energy supply with efficient technology. One of the …
Air gasification of high-ash solid waste in a pilot-scale downdraft gasifier: Experimental and numerical analysis
The present work investigates the effect of process parameters on the gasification potential
of high-ash solid wastes in a downdraft gasifier using experimental and simulation studies …
of high-ash solid wastes in a downdraft gasifier using experimental and simulation studies …