Quantum advantage in learning from experiments
Quantum technology promises to revolutionize how we learn about the physical world. An
experiment that processes quantum data with a quantum computer could have substantial …
experiment that processes quantum data with a quantum computer could have substantial …
Information-theoretic bounds on quantum advantage in machine learning
We study the performance of classical and quantum machine learning (ML) models in
predicting outcomes of physical experiments. The experiments depend on an input …
predicting outcomes of physical experiments. The experiments depend on an input …
The complexity of NISQ
The recent proliferation of NISQ devices has made it imperative to understand their power. In
this work, we define and study the complexity class NISQ, which encapsulates problems that …
this work, we define and study the complexity class NISQ, which encapsulates problems that …
Exponential separations between learning with and without quantum memory
We study the power of quantum memory for learning properties of quantum systems and
dynamics, which is of great importance in physics and chemistry. Many state-of-the-art …
dynamics, which is of great importance in physics and chemistry. Many state-of-the-art …
Quantum algorithmic measurement
There has been recent promising experimental and theoretical evidence that quantum
computational tools might enhance the precision and efficiency of physical experiments …
computational tools might enhance the precision and efficiency of physical experiments …
Entanglement-enabled advantage for learning a bosonic random displacement channel
We show that quantum entanglement can provide an exponential advantage in learning
properties of a bosonic continuous-variable (CV) system. The task we consider is estimating …
properties of a bosonic continuous-variable (CV) system. The task we consider is estimating …
Tight bounds on Pauli channel learning without entanglement
Quantum entanglement is a crucial resource for learning properties from nature, but a
precise characterization of its advantage can be challenging. In this Letter, we consider …
precise characterization of its advantage can be challenging. In this Letter, we consider …
Quantum advantages for Pauli channel estimation
We show that entangled measurements provide an exponential advantage in sample
complexity for Pauli channel estimation, which is both a fundamental problem and a …
complexity for Pauli channel estimation, which is both a fundamental problem and a …
Improved quantum data analysis
We provide more sample-efficient versions of some basic routines in quantum data analysis,
along with simpler proofs. Particularly, we give a quantum” Threshold Search” algorithm that …
along with simpler proofs. Particularly, we give a quantum” Threshold Search” algorithm that …
Optimal tradeoffs for estimating Pauli observables
We revisit the problem of Pauli shadow tomography: given copies of an unknown n-qubit
quantum state ρ, estimate Tr (Pρ) for some set of Pauli operators F to within additive error ϵ …
quantum state ρ, estimate Tr (Pρ) for some set of Pauli operators F to within additive error ϵ …