Language development and academic achievement in two-way immersion programs
Two-way immersion (TWI) programs in the US integrate English Language Learners (ELLs)
from a common native language background and native English-speaking (NES) students …
from a common native language background and native English-speaking (NES) students …
Develo** culturally responsive social, emotional, and behavioral supports
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to illustrate an interdisciplinary system of targeted
student supports, drawing from social and emotional learning (SEL), culturally responsive …
student supports, drawing from social and emotional learning (SEL), culturally responsive …
[ספר][B] Children's multilingual development and education: Fostering linguistic resources in home and school contexts
AL Bailey, AV Osipova - 2015 -
The study of families and educators who successfully sustain children's linguistic resources
is a novelty in current educational research, where focus has largely been on the …
is a novelty in current educational research, where focus has largely been on the …
La evolución de un school leader: A case study
As American children grow more culturally and linguistically diverse, many teachers, school
leaders, researchers, and policy makers are implementing bilingual instruction as a means …
leaders, researchers, and policy makers are implementing bilingual instruction as a means …
The development of rubrics to measure undergraduate students' global awareness and global perspective: A validity study
SP Doscher - 2012 -
Higher education institutions across the United States have developed global learning
initiatives to support student achievement of global awareness and global perspective, but …
initiatives to support student achievement of global awareness and global perspective, but …
Designing critical multilingual multiliteracies projects in two-way immersion classrooms: Affordances and impacts on students
Language separation policies in two-way bilingual education (TWBE) reflect ideologies of
double monolingualism (Heller, 1995) and ignore the sociolinguistic realities of …
double monolingualism (Heller, 1995) and ignore the sociolinguistic realities of …
Examining the relationship between bilingual books and multicultural curriculum
E Whiteside - 2007 -
The purpose of this study was to examine the current relationship between bilingual
literature and multicultural curriculum, specifically in elementary level classes. An extensive …
literature and multicultural curriculum, specifically in elementary level classes. An extensive …
[ספר][B] Examining the role of critically conscious leadership in dual language education programs: A case of two school principals
J Martinez - 2022 -
In recent years, the United States has seen an increased interest in Dual Language
Education (DLE) Programs. These programs prepare students to compete in a global …
Education (DLE) Programs. These programs prepare students to compete in a global …
[ספר][B] Assessing the effect of foreign language immersion programs on intercultural sensitivity in elementary students
PC Corbaz - 2005 -
Scope and method of study. The purpose of this study was to measure whether a group of
elementary students enrolled in a school with Foreign Language Immersion Programs …
elementary students enrolled in a school with Foreign Language Immersion Programs …
Changing perspectives in high school world geography: 1950–2005
A Standish - Journal of Geography, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
This study set out to better understand the changing links between geography and
citizenship. Content analysis was conducted on eighteen high school world geography …
citizenship. Content analysis was conducted on eighteen high school world geography …