Secure information flow by self-composition
Information flow policies are confidentiality policies that control information leakage through
program execution. A common way to enforce secure information flow is through information …
program execution. A common way to enforce secure information flow is through information …
Relational verification using product programs
Relational program logics are formalisms for specifying and verifying properties about two
programs or two runs of the same program. These properties range from correctness of …
programs or two runs of the same program. These properties range from correctness of …
Cartesian hoare logic for verifying k-safety properties
Unlike safety properties which require the absence of a “bad” program trace, k-safety
properties stipulate the absence of a “bad” interaction between k traces. Examples of k …
properties stipulate the absence of a “bad” interaction between k traces. Examples of k …
Hyper hoare logic:(dis-) proving program hyperproperties
Hoare logics are proof systems that allow one to formally establish properties of computer
programs. Traditional Hoare logics prove properties of individual program executions (such …
programs. Traditional Hoare logics prove properties of individual program executions (such …
Unifying refinement and Hoare-style reasoning in a logic for higher-order concurrency
Modular programming and modular verification go hand in hand, but most existing logics for
concurrency ignore two crucial forms of modularity:* higher-order functions*, which are …
concurrency ignore two crucial forms of modularity:* higher-order functions*, which are …
A logical approach to type soundness
Type soundness, which asserts that “well-typed programs cannot go wrong,” is widely
viewed as the canonical theorem one must prove to establish that a type system is doing its …
viewed as the canonical theorem one must prove to establish that a type system is doing its …
Conditional contextual refinement
Much work in formal verification of low-level systems is based on one of two approaches:
refinement or separation logic. These two approaches have complementary benefits …
refinement or separation logic. These two approaches have complementary benefits …
Decomposition instead of self-composition for proving the absence of timing channels
We present a novel approach to proving the absence of timing channels. The idea is to
partition the program's execution traces in such a way that each partition component is …
partition the program's execution traces in such a way that each partition component is …
Local rely-guarantee reasoning
X Feng - Proceedings of the 36th annual ACM SIGPLAN …, 2009 -
Rely-Guarantee reasoning is a well-known method for verification of shared-variable
concurrent programs. However, it is difficult for users to define rely/guarantee conditions …
concurrent programs. However, it is difficult for users to define rely/guarantee conditions …
Relational cost analysis
Establishing quantitative bounds on the execution cost of programs is essential in many
areas of computer science such as complexity analysis, compiler optimizations, security and …
areas of computer science such as complexity analysis, compiler optimizations, security and …