Fossil oceanic core complexes recognized in the blueschist metaophiolites of Western Alps and Corsica

Y Lagabrielle, AV Brovarone, B Ildefonse - Earth-Science Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
Tethyan ophiolites show an apparent poorly organized association of ultramafic and mafic
rocks. By contrast to the complete mantle-crustal sections of Semail-type ophiolite sheets …

Occurrence and significance of serpentinite-hosted, talc-and amphibole-rich fault rocks in modern oceanic settings and ophiolite complexes: An overview

C Boschi, GL Früh-Green, J Escartín - Ofioliti, 2006 -
This paper reviews the occurrence and significance of talc-and amphibole-rich fault rocks
developed in mafic-ultramafic sequences and evaluates their role in deformation and …

Life cycle of oceanic core complexes

CJ MacLeod, RC Searle, BJ Murton, JF Casey… - Earth and Planetary …, 2009 - Elsevier
Oceanic core complexes are the uplifted footwalls of very-large-offset low-angle normal
faults that exhume lower crust and mantle rocks onto the seafloor at slow-spreading ridges …

Role of melt supply in oceanic detachment faulting and formation of megamullions

BE Tucholke, MD Behn, WR Buck, J Lin - Geology, 2008 -
Normal faults are ubiquitous on mid-ocean ridges and are expected to develop increasing
offset with reduced spreading rate as the proportion of tectonic extension increases …

The formation of SiO2-rich melts within the deep oceanic crust by hydrous partial melting of gabbros

J Koepke, J Berndt, ST Feig, F Holtz - Contributions to Mineralogy and …, 2007 - Springer
Small amounts of felsic, evolved plutonic rocks, often called oceanic plagiogranites, always
occur as veins or small stocks within the gabbroic section of the oceanic crust. Four major …

The structure, evolution and symmetry of the magma-poor rifted margins of the North and Central Atlantic: A synthesis

TJ Reston - Tectonophysics, 2009 - Elsevier
Magma-poor rifted margins consistently show extreme crustal thinning accompanied by
normal faulting, the serpentinization of the mantle beneath crust thinned to less than 8±2 km …

Constraints on deformation conditions and the origin of oceanic detachments: The Mid‐Atlantic Ridge core complex at 15 45′ N

J Escartín, C Mével, CJ MacLeod… - Geochemistry …, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Deformed rocks sampled from a corrugated detachment fault surface near the Mid‐Atlantic
Ridge (15° 45′ N) constrain the conditions of deformation and strain localization. Samples …

Mass transfer and fluid flow during detachment faulting and development of an oceanic core complex, Atlantis Massif (MAR 30 N)

C Boschi, GL Früh‐Green, A Delacour… - Geochemistry …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
The Atlantis Massif (Mid‐Atlantic Ridge, 30° N) is an example of an oceanic core complex
(OCC) exposed by a major fault system. Our integrated field and analytical study of mafic …

Plutonic foundation of a slow‐spreading ridge segment: Oceanic core complex at Kane Megamullion, 23 30′ N, 45 20′ W

HJB Dick, MA Tivey, BE Tucholke - Geochemistry, Geophysics …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
We mapped the Kane megamullion, an oceanic core complex on the west flank of the Mid‐
Atlantic Ridge exposing the plutonic foundation of a∼ 50 km long, second‐order ridge …

Geology of the Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30 N): Implications for the evolution of an ultramafic oceanic core complex

DK Blackman, JA Karson, DS Kelley, JR Cann… - Marine Geophysical …, 2002 - Springer
The oceanic core complex comprising Atlantis Massif was formed within the past 1.5–2 Myr
at the intersection of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30° N, and the Atlantis Transform Fault. The …