The economics of tobacco regulation: a comprehensive review
Tobacco regulation has been a major component of health policy in the developed world
since the UK Royal College of Physicians' and the US Surgeon General's reports in the …
since the UK Royal College of Physicians' and the US Surgeon General's reports in the …
The Coase theorem at sixty
SG Medema - Journal of Economic Literature, 2020 - aeaweb.org
The Coase theorem is one of the most influential and controversial ideas to emerge from
post–World War II economics. This article examines the theorem's origins, diffusion, and the …
post–World War II economics. This article examines the theorem's origins, diffusion, and the …
The effect of bans and taxes on passive smoking
We evaluate the effect of smoking bans and excise taxes on the exposure to tobacco smoke
of nonsmokers, and we show their unintended consequences on children. Smoking bans …
of nonsmokers, and we show their unintended consequences on children. Smoking bans …
Smoking bans, maternal smoking and birth outcomes
An important externality of smoking is the harm it might cause to those who do not smoke.
This paper examines the impact on birth outcomes of children of female workers who are …
This paper examines the impact on birth outcomes of children of female workers who are …
Drunk driving after the passage of smoking bans in bars
Using geographic variation in local and state smoke-free bar laws in the US, we observe an
increase in fatal accidents involving alcohol following bans on smoking in bars that is not …
increase in fatal accidents involving alcohol following bans on smoking in bars that is not …
The impact of smoking bans on smoking and consumer behavior: Quasi‐experimental evidence from Switzerland
S Boes, J Marti, JC Maclean - Health economics, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, we exploit the progressive implementation of smoking bans in public venues at
the state level in Switzerland to evaluate both the direct effects on smoking and the potential …
the state level in Switzerland to evaluate both the direct effects on smoking and the potential …
Finally a smoking gun? Compensating differentials and the introduction of smoking bans
D Wissmann - American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2022 - aeaweb.org
Using the staggered introduction of smoking bans in the German hospitality industry over
2007–2008, I find a robust 2.4 percent decline in the daily earnings of workers in bars and …
2007–2008, I find a robust 2.4 percent decline in the daily earnings of workers in bars and …
The economic impact of smoke‐free policies on restaurants, cafés, and bars: panel data estimates from European countries
In this paper, we investigate the extent to which the economic outcomes of restaurants, bars,
and cafés have been affected by the introduction of anti‐smoking regulations in Europe. We …
and cafés have been affected by the introduction of anti‐smoking regulations in Europe. We …
Impact of the smoking ban on the volume of bar sales in Ireland–evidence from time series analysis
This paper is the first to estimate the economic impact of a comprehensive smoking ban in
all enclosed public places of work, on bars in Ireland. The demand in bars, represented by a …
all enclosed public places of work, on bars in Ireland. The demand in bars, represented by a …
The effects of local workplace smoking laws on smoking restrictions and exposure to smoke at work
CS Carpenter - Journal of Human resources, 2009 - jhr.uwpress.org
We provide new evidence on the effects of workplace smoking restrictions by studying more
than 100 local smoking ordinances in Ontario, Canada from 1997–2004. We advance the …
than 100 local smoking ordinances in Ontario, Canada from 1997–2004. We advance the …