Experimental demonstration of an acoustic asymmetric diffraction grating based on passive parity-time-symmetric medium
Y Yang, H Jia, Y Bi, H Zhao, J Yang - Physical Review Applied, 2019 - APS
A passive parity-time (PT) symmetric medium provides a feasible scheme to experimentally
investigate non-Hermitian systems. We experimentally demonstrate an acoustic asymmetric …
investigate non-Hermitian systems. We experimentally demonstrate an acoustic asymmetric …
Nonreciprocal transmission in nonlinear PT‐symmetric metamaterials using epsilon‐near‐zero media doped with defects
Nonreciprocal transmission forms the basic operation mechanism of optical diodes and
isolators and requires the tantalizing task of breaking the Lorentz reciprocity law. In this …
isolators and requires the tantalizing task of breaking the Lorentz reciprocity law. In this …
Asymmetric diffraction based on a passive parity-time grating
Optical structures with balanced loss and gain provide an efficient platform to study the
features of light propagation under non-Hermitian parity-time symmetry. Here, we report a …
features of light propagation under non-Hermitian parity-time symmetry. Here, we report a …
Unidirectional reflectionless propagation in a non-ideal parity-time metasurface based on far field coupling
We propose a scheme to achieve a controllable unidirectional reflectionless propagation at
exceptional point (EP) in a non-ideal parity-time metasurface consisting of two silver ring …
exceptional point (EP) in a non-ideal parity-time metasurface consisting of two silver ring …
Double exceptional points in grating coupled metal-insulator-metal heterostructure
J Mai, Y Chen, G Li, KW Cheah - Optics Express, 2022 - opg.optica.org
In this work we theoretically study the exceptional points and reflection spectra
characteristics of a grating coupled metal-insulator-metal heterostructure, which is a non …
characteristics of a grating coupled metal-insulator-metal heterostructure, which is a non …
Unidirectional reflectionless propagation in non-Hermitian metamaterial based on phase coupling between two resonators
H Yin, R Bai, X Gu, C Zhang, GR Gu, YQ Zhang… - Optics …, 2018 - Elsevier
Unidirectional reflectionless propagation in a non-Hermitian metamaterial is obtained based
on phase coupling between two resonators. The unidirectional reflectionless propagation …
on phase coupling between two resonators. The unidirectional reflectionless propagation …
Unidirectional reflectionless propagation in plasmonic waveguide system based on phase coupling between two stub resonators
C Zhang, R Bai, X Gu, XR **, YQ Zhang… - IEEE Photonics …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A scheme on unidirectional reflectionless propagation is theoretically investigated in a
plasmonic waveguide system which consists of two metal-insulator-metal (MIM) stub …
plasmonic waveguide system which consists of two metal-insulator-metal (MIM) stub …
Superluminality in parity-time symmetric Bragg gratings
Parity-time (PT) symmetric Bragg gratings (PTBGs) possess unique features compared to
traditional ones. For example, the photonic bandgap of a PTBG can be modified and even …
traditional ones. For example, the photonic bandgap of a PTBG can be modified and even …
Unidirectional Bragg gratings using parity-time symmetry breaking in plasmonic systems
Optical systems following concepts of parity-time (PT) symmetry have attracted significant
attention because of their extraordinary behavior such as unidirectional reflectance or power …
attention because of their extraordinary behavior such as unidirectional reflectance or power …
Asymmetric scattering by non-Hermitian potentials
The scattering of quantum particles by non-Hermitian (generally non-local) potentials in one
dimension may result in asymmetric transmission and/or reflection from left and right …
dimension may result in asymmetric transmission and/or reflection from left and right …