The dopamine hypothesis of bipolar affective disorder: the state of the art and implications for treatment
Bipolar affective disorder is a common neuropsychiatric disorder. Although its
neurobiological underpinnings are incompletely understood, the dopamine hypothesis has …
neurobiological underpinnings are incompletely understood, the dopamine hypothesis has …
Assessing anhedonia in depression: Potentials and pitfalls
The resurgence of interest in anhedonia within major depression has been fuelled by
clinical trials demonstrating its utility in predicting antidepressant response as well as recent …
clinical trials demonstrating its utility in predicting antidepressant response as well as recent …
Reward processing dysfunction in major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
New evidence of reward processing abnormalities in MDD, bipolar disorder and
schizophrenia has led to a greater understanding of the neural processes associated with …
schizophrenia has led to a greater understanding of the neural processes associated with …
Reward processing and mood-related symptoms: An RDoC and translational neuroscience perspective
Background Two objectives of the NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative are to
identify (a) mechanisms that are common to multiple psychiatric disorders, and (b) …
identify (a) mechanisms that are common to multiple psychiatric disorders, and (b) …
A critical appraisal of neuroimaging studies of bipolar disorder: toward a new conceptualization of underlying neural circuitry and a road map for future research
ML Phillips, HA Swartz - American Journal of Psychiatry, 2014 - psychiatryonline.org
Objective In this critical review, the authors appraise neuroimaging findings in bipolar
disorder in emotion-processing, emotion-regulation, and reward-processing neural circuitry …
disorder in emotion-processing, emotion-regulation, and reward-processing neural circuitry …
Characterizing anhedonia: A systematic review of neuroimaging across the subtypes of reward processing deficits in depression
Anhedonia is a key symptom of major depressive disorder (MDD) and comprises
behavioural deficits in three reward processing subtypes: reward liking, reward wanting, and …
behavioural deficits in three reward processing subtypes: reward liking, reward wanting, and …
Meta-analysis of reward processing in major depressive disorder reveals distinct abnormalities within the reward circuit
Many neuroimaging studies have investigated reward processing dysfunction in major
depressive disorder. These studies have led to the common idea that major depressive …
depressive disorder. These studies have led to the common idea that major depressive …
Distorted cognitive processes in major depression: A predictive processing perspective
The cognitive model of depression has significantly influenced the understanding of
distorted cognitive processes in major depression; however, this model's conception of …
distorted cognitive processes in major depression; however, this model's conception of …
Differentiating between bipolar and unipolar depression in functional and structural MRI studies
Distinguishing depression in bipolar disorder (BD) from unipolar depression (UD) solely
based on clinical clues is difficult, which has led to the exploration of promising neural …
based on clinical clues is difficult, which has led to the exploration of promising neural …
Mechanisms underlying motivational deficits in psychopathology: similarities and differences in depression and schizophrenia
Motivational and hedonic impairments are core aspects of a variety of types of
psychopathology. These impairments cut across diagnostic categories and may be critical to …
psychopathology. These impairments cut across diagnostic categories and may be critical to …