Spatio-temporal variational Gaussian processes

O Hamelijnck, W Wilkinson, N Loppi… - Advances in …, 2021 -
We introduce a scalable approach to Gaussian process inference that combines spatio-
temporal filtering with natural gradient variational inference, resulting in a non-conjugate GP …

Sparse algorithms for Markovian Gaussian processes

W Wilkinson, A Solin, V Adam - International Conference on …, 2021 -
Approximate Bayesian inference methods that scale to very large datasets are crucial in
leveraging probabilistic models for real-world time series. Sparse Markovian Gaussian …

State space expectation propagation: Efficient inference schemes for temporal Gaussian processes

W Wilkinson, P Chang, M Andersen… - … on Machine Learning, 2020 -
We formulate approximate Bayesian inference in non-conjugate temporal and spatio-
temporal Gaussian process models as a simple parameter update rule applied during …

Wideband DOA estimation based on deep residual learning with Lyapunov stability analysis

Y Yao, H Lei, W He - IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing …, 2021 -
This letter puts forward a new method to estimate the direction of arrivals (DOAs) along with
the source number under wideband circumstances. The method constructs a multiple-input …

A Bayesian modeling approach to situated design of personalized soundsca** algorithms

B van Erp, A Podusenko, T Ignatenko, B de Vries - Applied Sciences, 2021 -
Effective noise reduction and speech enhancement algorithms have great potential to
enhance lives of hearing aid users by restoring speech intelligibility. An open problem in …

Advances in software and spatio-temporal modelling with Gaussian processes

W Tebbutt - 2022 -
This thesis concerns the use of Gaussian processes (GPs) as distributions over unknown
functions in Machine Learning and probabilistic modeling. GPs have been found to have …

Scalable Bayesian inference for spatio-temporal Gaussian processes

O Hamelijnck - 2024 -
Spatio-temporal phenomena are ubiquitous in the world around us. To successfully model
them, it is necessary to exploit as much information as possible, whether in the form of …

Global approximate inference via local linearisation for temporal gaussian processes

WJ Wilkinson, PE Chang, MR Andersen… - Second Symposium on …, 2019 -
The extended Kalman filter (EKF) is a classical signal processing algorithm which performs
efficient approximate Bayesian inference in non-conjugate models by linearising the local …

Gaussian process audio segmentation

BC Marshall - 2023 -
This thesis presents a probability model for generating polyphonic audio and derives an
algorithm for estimating the most probable interpretation of new audio under this model. The …

[PDF][PDF] Models and inference for temporal Gaussian processes

W Wilkinson - 2019 -
Models and inference for temporal Gaussian processes - (ie, GPs for signal processing) Page 1
Models and inference for temporal Gaussian processes (ie, GPs for signal processing) William …