Seismic retrofitting of RC buildings using CFRP and post-tensioned metal straps: shake table tests
This article examines the effectiveness of two innovative retrofitting solutions at enhancing
the seismic behaviour of a substandard reinforced concrete building tested on a shake table …
the seismic behaviour of a substandard reinforced concrete building tested on a shake table …
Stress–strain model for low-strength concrete in uni-axial compression
One of the most significant problems found in non-engineered reinforced concrete structures
is poor quality concrete and can lead to brittle failure modes even for small magnitude …
is poor quality concrete and can lead to brittle failure modes even for small magnitude …
The developments of the analytical fragility methods in seismic risk assessment–A review
The fragility curves are an essential tool in the seismic assessment of structures and provide
a versatile tool to conduct vulnerability analysis for retrofitting and strengthening purposes …
a versatile tool to conduct vulnerability analysis for retrofitting and strengthening purposes …
Verification of performance criteria using shake table testing for the vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings
Shake table experiments are conducted to support the selection of performance criteria and
to verify the inelastic modeling approach for develo** the fragility functions of reinforced …
to verify the inelastic modeling approach for develo** the fragility functions of reinforced …
Seismic fragility assessment of existing sub-standard low strength reinforced concrete structures
An analytical seismic fragility assessment framework is presented for the existing low
strength reinforced concrete structures more common in the building stock of the develo** …
strength reinforced concrete structures more common in the building stock of the develo** …
Vulnerability assessment and feasibility analysis of seismic strengthening of school buildings
The majority of structures in seismic-prone areas worldwide are structures that have been
designed either without seismic design considerations, or using codes of practice that are …
designed either without seismic design considerations, or using codes of practice that are …
Numerical simulation of the experimental results of a RC frame retrofitted with RC Infill walls
The effectiveness of seismic retrofitting of RC-frame buildings by converting selected bays
into new walls through infilling with RC walls was studied experimentally using a full-scale …
into new walls through infilling with RC walls was studied experimentally using a full-scale …
Simulation based improved seismic fragility analysis of structures
Abstract The Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) based seismic fragility analysis (SFA) approach
allows defining more realistic relationship between failure probability and seismic intensity …
allows defining more realistic relationship between failure probability and seismic intensity …
Seismic Fragility assessment of local and global failures in low-rise non-ductile existing RC buildings: Empirical shear-axial modelling vs. ASCE/SEI 41 approach
The brittle behavior of older non-ductile reinforced concrete buildings such as shear-axial
failure in columns can cause lateral instability or gravity collapse. Hence, the attempt is to …
failure in columns can cause lateral instability or gravity collapse. Hence, the attempt is to …
Framework for the derivation of analytical fragility curves and life cycle cost analysis for non-seismically designed buildings
The quantification of the devastating effects of earthquakes on buildings can be achieved
with the use of earthquake risk assessment. The formulation of strategies to minimise this …
with the use of earthquake risk assessment. The formulation of strategies to minimise this …