Definition and use of functional analogues in planetary exploration
The practical limitations inherent to human and robotic planetary exploration necessitate the
development of specific protocols and methods. This non-standard approach requires …
development of specific protocols and methods. This non-standard approach requires …
ANALOG-1 ISS–The first part of an analogue mission to guide ESA's robotic moon exploration efforts
K Wormnes, W Carey, T Krueger, L Cencetti… - Open …, 2022 - degruyter.com
Abstract The European Space Agency's ANALOG-1 experiment is the culmination of 12
distinct METERON experiments carried out since 2011. These all address aspects of …
distinct METERON experiments carried out since 2011. These all address aspects of …
Quantitative analysis of the carbon generation characteristics during Mg/CO2 combustion: Implications for suppressing carbon deposition
X Zhu, C Li, R Wei, W Ao, Y Guo, J Hu, J Yang… - Aerospace Science and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Carbon deposition can significantly reduce the working stability and specific impulse
performance of magnesium/carbon dioxide (Mg/CO 2) powder rocket engines; however, few …
performance of magnesium/carbon dioxide (Mg/CO 2) powder rocket engines; however, few …
Biosignature detection by Mars rover equivalent instruments in samples from the CanMars Mars Sample Return Analogue Deployment
This work details the laboratory analysis of a suite of 10 samples collected from an inverted
fluvial channel near Hanksville, Utah, USA as a part of the CanMars Mars Sample Return …
fluvial channel near Hanksville, Utah, USA as a part of the CanMars Mars Sample Return …
The limits, capabilities, and potential for life detection with MinION sequencing in a Paleochannel Mars analog
No instrument capable of direct life detection has been included on a mission payload to
Mars since NASA's Viking missions in the 1970s. This prevents us from discovering whether …
Mars since NASA's Viking missions in the 1970s. This prevents us from discovering whether …
Evaluating the Use of Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UASs) for Planetary Exploration in Mars Analog Terrain
Planetary analog mission simulations are essential for testing science operations strategies
and technologies. They also teach us how to use terrestrial analogs to inform studies of …
and technologies. They also teach us how to use terrestrial analogs to inform studies of …
Combined spectroscopic analysis of terrestrial analogs from a simulated astronaut mission using the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) Raman sensor …
One of the primary objectives of planetary exploration is the search for signs of life (past,
present, or future). Formulating an understanding of the geochemical processes on …
present, or future). Formulating an understanding of the geochemical processes on …
[PDF][PDF] A combined Raman, LIF, and micro-LIBS system with time-resolved fluorescence capabilities for planetary exploration applications
A combined system based on micro-laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (μLIBS), UV-
Raman spectroscopy, laserinduced (natural) fluorescence (LIF), time-resolved LIF …
Raman spectroscopy, laserinduced (natural) fluorescence (LIF), time-resolved LIF …
Development and user study of the Operational Geology in a Virtual Environment (OGIVE) platform
As part of MIT's work with the Resources Exploration and Science of OUR Cosmic
Environment (RESOURCE) project, in collaboration with NASA Ames and the Solar System …
Environment (RESOURCE) project, in collaboration with NASA Ames and the Solar System …
Elemental estimation of terrestrial analogues from the CanMars rover field campaign using LiRS: Implications for detecting silica-rich deposits on Mars
As space agencies plan for the continuous deployment of rovers and landers to planetary
bodies such as the Moon and Mars, an in-depth, quantitative, and qualitative understanding …
bodies such as the Moon and Mars, an in-depth, quantitative, and qualitative understanding …