Crop genetic erosion: understanding and responding to loss of crop diversity
Crop diversity underpins the productivity, resilience and adaptive capacity of agriculture.
Loss of this diversity, termed crop genetic erosion, is therefore concerning. While alarms …
Loss of this diversity, termed crop genetic erosion, is therefore concerning. While alarms …
Heterosis and hybrid crop breeding: a multidisciplinary review
Although hybrid crop varieties are among the most popular agricultural innovations, the
rationale for hybrid crop breeding is sometimes misunderstood. Hybrid breeding is slower …
rationale for hybrid crop breeding is sometimes misunderstood. Hybrid breeding is slower …
Haplotype-resolved genome assembly provides insights into evolutionary history of the tea plant Camellia sinensis
Tea is an important global beverage crop and is largely clonally propagated. Despite
previous studies on the species, its genetic and evolutionary history deserves further …
previous studies on the species, its genetic and evolutionary history deserves further …
Widespread natural variation of DNA methylation within angiosperms
Background DNA methylation is an important feature of plant epigenomes, involved in the
formation of heterochromatin and affecting gene expression. Extensive variation of DNA …
formation of heterochromatin and affecting gene expression. Extensive variation of DNA …
How people domesticated Amazonian forests
For millennia, Amazonian peoples have managed forest resources, modifying the natural
environment in subtle and persistent ways. Legacies of past human occupation are striking …
environment in subtle and persistent ways. Legacies of past human occupation are striking …
Back into the wild—Apply untapped genetic diversity of wild relatives for crop improvement
Deleterious effects of climate change and human activities, as well as diverse environmental
stresses, present critical challenges to food production and the maintenance of natural …
stresses, present critical challenges to food production and the maintenance of natural …
Rootstocks: diversity, domestication, and impacts on shoot phenotypes
Grafting is an ancient agricultural practice that joins the root system (rootstock) of one plant
to the shoot (scion) of another. It is most commonly employed in woody perennial crops to …
to the shoot (scion) of another. It is most commonly employed in woody perennial crops to …
[HTML][HTML] Challenges and prospects for the conservation of crop genetic resources in field genebanks, in in vitro collections and/or in liquid nitrogen
The conservation of crop genetic resources, including their wild relatives, is of utmost
importance for the future of mankind. Most crops produce orthodox seeds and can, therefore …
importance for the future of mankind. Most crops produce orthodox seeds and can, therefore …
[HTML][HTML] Epigenetics for crop improvement in times of global change
Simple Summary Research on plant epigenetics aims to understand how endogenous,
biotic, and abiotic factors regulate plant development and growth independent of changes in …
biotic, and abiotic factors regulate plant development and growth independent of changes in …
Patterns and processes in crop domestication: an historical review and quantitative analysis of 203 global food crops
Domesticated food crops are derived from a phylogenetically diverse assemblage of wild
ancestors through artificial selection for different traits. Our understanding of domestication …
ancestors through artificial selection for different traits. Our understanding of domestication …