Scholarly use of social media and altmetrics: A review of the literature
Social media has become integrated into the fabric of the scholarly communication system in
fundamental ways, principally through scholarly use of social media platforms and the …
fundamental ways, principally through scholarly use of social media platforms and the …
A systematic identification and analysis of scientists on Twitter
Metrics derived from Twitter and other social media—often referred to as altmetrics—are
increasingly used to estimate the broader social impacts of scholarship. Such efforts …
increasingly used to estimate the broader social impacts of scholarship. Such efforts …
Scholarly twitter metrics
S Haustein - Springer handbook of science and technology …, 2019 - Springer
Twitter has unarguably been the most popular among the data sources that form the basis of
so-called altmetrics. Tweets to scholarly documents have been heralded as both early …
so-called altmetrics. Tweets to scholarly documents have been heralded as both early …
Academic information on Twitter: A user survey
Although counts of tweets citing academic papers are used as an informal indicator of
interest, little is known about who tweets academic papers and who uses Twitter to find …
interest, little is known about who tweets academic papers and who uses Twitter to find …
Web indicators for research evaluation. Part 2: Social media metrics
Esta revisión bibliográfica evalúa indicadores derivados de medios sociales, tanto
generales como académicos. Tales indicadores han sido llamados, influmétricos …
generales como académicos. Tales indicadores han sido llamados, influmétricos …
User engagement with scholarly tweets of scientific papers: A large-scale and cross-disciplinary analysis
This study investigates the extent to which scholarly tweets of scientific papers are engaged
with by Twitter users through four types of user engagement behaviors, ie, liking, retweeting …
with by Twitter users through four types of user engagement behaviors, ie, liking, retweeting …
Highly tweeted science articles: who tweets them? An analysis of Twitter user profile descriptions
J Vainio, K Holmberg - Scientometrics, 2017 - Springer
In this study we examined who tweeted academic articles that had at least one Finnish
author or co-author affiliation and that had high altmetric counts on Twitter. In this …
author or co-author affiliation and that had high altmetric counts on Twitter. In this …
Social media and altmetrics: An overview of current alternative approaches to measuring scholarly impact
K Weller - Incentives and performance: Governance of research …, 2015 - Springer
This chapter describes the current state of the art in altmetrics research and practice.
Altmetrics—evaluation methods of scholarly activities that serve as alternatives to citation …
Altmetrics—evaluation methods of scholarly activities that serve as alternatives to citation …
How is science clicked on Twitter? Click metrics for Bitly short links to scientific publications
To provide some context for the potential engagement behavior of Twitter users around
science, this article investigates how Bitly short links to scientific publications embedded in …
science, this article investigates how Bitly short links to scientific publications embedded in …
Cross-platform comparison of framed topics in Twitter and Weibo: machine learning approaches to social media text mining
While the salience of social media platforms on modern interactive communication between
diverse social actors has been demonstrated, less academic attention has been paid to …
diverse social actors has been demonstrated, less academic attention has been paid to …