Modeling for single-photon avalanche diodes: State-of-the-art and research challenges
With the growing importance of single-photon-counting (SPC) techniques, researchers are
now designing high-performance systems based on single-photon avalanche diodes …
now designing high-performance systems based on single-photon avalanche diodes …
Avalanche photodetectors with photon trap** structures for biomedical imaging applications
Enhancing photon detection efficiency and time resolution in photodetectors in the entire
visible range is critical to improve the image quality of time-of-flight (TOF)-based imaging …
visible range is critical to improve the image quality of time-of-flight (TOF)-based imaging …
Optimizing Decoy‐State Protocols for Practical Quantum Key Distribution Systems
The decoy‐state protocol enables quantum key distribution (QKD) systems to achieve high
performance without using the single‐photon source. In the dozen years since the decoy …
performance without using the single‐photon source. In the dozen years since the decoy …
Coexistence of quantum key distribution and optical transport network based on standard single-mode fiber at high launch power
There is an increasing demand for multiplexing of quantum key distribution with optical
communications in single fiber in consideration of high costs and practical applications in …
communications in single fiber in consideration of high costs and practical applications in …
Quantum key distribution integrating with ultra-high-power classical optical communications based on ultra-low-loss fiber
The demand for the integration of quantum key distribution (QKD) and classical optical
communication in the same optical fiber medium greatly increases as fiber resources and …
communication in the same optical fiber medium greatly increases as fiber resources and …
A cluster-based quantum key distribution with dynamic node selection: an improved approach for scalability and security in quantum communication
In quantum computing, key distribution is an indispensable approach for establishing secure
communication using the principles of quantum mechanics. However, existing key …
communication using the principles of quantum mechanics. However, existing key …
Afterpulse analysis for passive decoy quantum key distribution
The passive decoy method, a candidate for high‐speed quantum key distribution (QKD), can
prepare laser pulses with various photon‐number distributions according to the responses …
prepare laser pulses with various photon‐number distributions according to the responses …
Dependency model for high-performance quantum-key-distribution systems
A precise estimation of the detection response is essential for a high-performance and
secure quantum-key-distribution (QKD) system. Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) …
secure quantum-key-distribution (QKD) system. Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) …
Time-division technique for quantum optical receivers utilizing single-photon detector array technology and spatial-multiplexing
Free-space quantum key distribution (QKD) has been gaining popularity in recent years due
to its advantages in creating networking options for the quantum internet. One of the main …
to its advantages in creating networking options for the quantum internet. One of the main …
Afterpulse effect in measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution
There is no doubt that measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-
QKD) is a crucial protocol that is immune to all possible detector side channel attacks. In the …
QKD) is a crucial protocol that is immune to all possible detector side channel attacks. In the …