Memristor-based neural network circuit of associative memory with overshadowing and emotion congruent effect
J Sun, Y Zhai, P Liu, Y Wang - IEEE Transactions on Neural …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Most memristor-based neural network circuits consider only a single pattern of
overshadowing or emotion, but the relationship between overshadowing and emotion is …
overshadowing or emotion, but the relationship between overshadowing and emotion is …
A survey of neuromorphic computing and neural networks in hardware
Neuromorphic computing has come to refer to a variety of brain-inspired computers, devices,
and models that contrast the pervasive von Neumann computer architecture. This …
and models that contrast the pervasive von Neumann computer architecture. This …
Memristor-based neural network circuit of full-function pavlov associative memory with time delay and variable learning rate
J Sun, G Han, Z Zeng, Y Wang - IEEE transactions on …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Most memristor-based Pavlov associative memory neural networks strictly require that only
simultaneous food and ring appear to generate associative memory. In this article, the time …
simultaneous food and ring appear to generate associative memory. In this article, the time …
Memristor-based circuit design of episodic memory neural network and its application in hurricane category prediction
Q Wan, J Liu, T Liu, K Sun, P Qin - Neural Networks, 2024 - Elsevier
Episodic memory, as a type of long-term memory (LTM), is used to learn and store the
unique personal experience. Based on the episodic memory biological mechanism, this …
unique personal experience. Based on the episodic memory biological mechanism, this …
Memristive devices for neuromorphic applications: comparative analysis
V Erokhin - BioNanoScience, 2020 - Springer
Neuromorphic systems must have at least five unavoidable features that are present in living
beings. First, neuromorphic systems must perform memorizing and processing functions …
beings. First, neuromorphic systems must perform memorizing and processing functions …
Coexisting behaviors of asymmetric attractors in hyperbolic-type memristor based Hopfield neural network
A new hyperbolic-type memristor emulator is presented and its frequency-dependent
pinched hysteresis loops are analyzed by numerical simulations and confirmed by hardware …
pinched hysteresis loops are analyzed by numerical simulations and confirmed by hardware …
A novel memristive Hopfield neural network with application in associative memory
J Yang, L Wang, Y Wang, T Guo - Neurocomputing, 2017 - Elsevier
Memristor is a nanoscale electronic device that exhibits the synaptic characteristics in
artificial neural network. Some valuable memristor-based synaptic circuits have been …
artificial neural network. Some valuable memristor-based synaptic circuits have been …
Memristor-based neural network circuit of operant conditioning accorded with biological feature
J Sun, J Han, Y Wang, P Liu - IEEE Transactions on Circuits …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Most memristor-based associative memory neural networks are focused on classical
conditioning and ignored operant conditioning. In this paper, a memristor-based neural …
conditioning and ignored operant conditioning. In this paper, a memristor-based neural …
Memristor-based neural network circuit of pavlov associative memory with dual mode switching
J Sun, J Han, P Liu, Y Wang - AEU-international Journal of Electronics and …, 2021 - Elsevier
There are many learning modes in associative memory, but most of memristor-based Pavlov
associative memory circuits only have a single mode. A learning circuit that can realize …
associative memory circuits only have a single mode. A learning circuit that can realize …
A memristor-based associative memory neural network circuit with emotion effect
C Wang, C Xu, J Sun, Q Deng - Neural Computing and Applications, 2023 - Springer
Generally, people tend to learn or recall pleasant experiences during positive feelings.
Similarly, people tend to learn or recall unpleasant things during negative feelings. The …
Similarly, people tend to learn or recall unpleasant things during negative feelings. The …