Why does urban Artificial Intelligence (AI) matter for urban studies? Develo** research directions in urban AI research
New digital technologies and systems are being extensively applied in urban contexts.
These technologies and systems include algorithms, robotics, drones, Autonomous Vehicles …
These technologies and systems include algorithms, robotics, drones, Autonomous Vehicles …
[КНИГА][B] Design ethnography: Research, responsibilities, and futures
This book advances the practice and theory of design ethnography. It presents a
methodologically adventurous and conceptually robust approach to interventional and …
methodologically adventurous and conceptually robust approach to interventional and …
Domestic drone futures
A Jackman - Political Geography, 2022 - Elsevier
We are in the midst of a global turn to the drone. In the context of the 'unmanning'of
contemporary life, this article explores urban drone futures as they are speculated through …
contemporary life, this article explores urban drone futures as they are speculated through …
The robotic production of spatiality: Predictability, partitioning, and connection
Robots are an increasing presence in our public spaces. Accordingly, in this paper, we
make an argument for the importance of understanding how they produce spatiality by …
make an argument for the importance of understanding how they produce spatiality by …
[HTML][HTML] Robots are coming to town: A visual experiment on urban belonging and anxiety
Robots are becoming increasingly common in urban social environments and this is likely to
cause emotional reactions among people. Utilizing theoretical frameworks of social identity …
cause emotional reactions among people. Utilizing theoretical frameworks of social identity …
[PDF][PDF] Geographies of the Future
D Simandan - Oxford Bibliographies. Available at: https://www …, 2023 - brocku.ca
Geographers have become increasingly preoccupied with the problematic of the future in
recent decades, but it would be misleading and premature to think of this emerging, diffuse …
recent decades, but it would be misleading and premature to think of this emerging, diffuse …
Out of place robot in the wild: Envisioning urban robot contextual adaptability challenges through a design probe
The increasing deployment of robots in urban spaces calls for design strategies to ensure
their adaptation and to mitigate potential disruptions to complex urban contexts. Our …
their adaptation and to mitigate potential disruptions to complex urban contexts. Our …
Humans, robots and artificial intelligences reconfiguring urban life in a crisis
Autonomous urban robots were introduced in Milton Keynes (MK), UK, in 2018 to automate
on-demand grocery delivery. Two years later the COVID-19 pandemic rendered routine …
on-demand grocery delivery. Two years later the COVID-19 pandemic rendered routine …
Humans and robots co** with crisis–Starship, Covid-19 and urban robotics in an unpredictable world
In 2018" Starship" grocery delivery robots were first introduced in Milton Keynes (MK), a new
town in England, to automate a task that is difficult to perform in a cost-effective manner by …
town in England, to automate a task that is difficult to perform in a cost-effective manner by …
Contingent autonomy: Robotic encounters in an uncertain world
In this article, we develop a framework for robotic autonomy as contingent. We do so with an
account of a series of online research workshops that asked people to design and test robot …
account of a series of online research workshops that asked people to design and test robot …