Branding athletes: Exploration and conceptualization of athlete brand image

A Arai, YJ Ko, S Ross - Sport management review, 2014 - Elsevier
In this study, the current issues of athlete brand management are discussed and the
construct of athlete brand image is conceptualized. A conceptual model of athlete brand …

Avoidance of advertising in social networking sites: The teenage perspective

L Kelly, G Kerr, J Drennan - Journal of interactive advertising, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Technology has provided consumers with the means to control and edit the information that
they receive and share effectively, especially in the online environment. Although previous …

Testing the effects of congruity, travel constraints, and self-efficacy on travel intentions: An alternative decision-making model

K Hung, JF Petrick - Tourism management, 2012 - Elsevier
Travel decision making has been extensively studied. Various models and theories have
been proposed to explain tourist behavior. Taking a new approach, this study applied the …

The role of aesthetic taste in consumer behavior

WD Hoyer, NE Stokburger-Sauer - Journal of the Academy of Marketing …, 2012 - Springer
In light of the increasing interest in hedonic aspects of consumer behavior, it is clear that
consumer taste plays a critical role in judgment and decision making, particularly for hedonic …

Reinquiry into advertising avoidance on the internet: A conceptual replication and extension

Z Seyedghorban, H Tahernejad… - Journal of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Existing literature indicates that replication and extension studies are crucial for
advancement of knowledge and establishing external validity of earlier work. In this study …

Consumer response to different advertising appeals for new products: The moderating influence of branding strategy and product category involvement

N Dens, P De Pelsmacker - Journal of Brand Management, 2010 - Springer
The aim of this study is to investigate interaction effects between branding strategy (new
brand versus established brand), advertising execution strategies (informational, positive …

The effects of anticipatory emotions on service satisfaction and behavioral intention

N Koenig-Lewis, A Palmer - Journal of Services Marketing, 2014 -
Purpose–This paper aims to contribute critical discussion about the role of expectations and
anticipation in subsequent satisfaction by incorporating anticipated emotions into a model to …

Formation of consumer price expectation based on package design: Attractive and quality routes

UR Orth, D Campana, K Malkewitz - Journal of Marketing Theory …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing from dual-process theories, this paper examines how generic design factors
influence consumer price expectation with judgments of attractiveness and quality as …

The effectiveness of product placement in video games

Z Glass - Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Previous studies suggest that the presentation of an advertisement largely determines how
well consumers receive the message. Video games have many elements that make them …

The symbolic value of wine, moderating and mediating factors and their relationship to consumer purchase intention

D De Toni, R Pompermayer, F Lazzari… - International Journal of …, 2022 -
Purpose The symbolic value of wine is a relevant research topic and raises the interest in
studies in both the enological and market areas. In this context, this study aims to …