[HTML][HTML] Entrepreneurial universities: A bibliometric analysis within the business and management domains
This study presents a bibliometric analysis of scientific publications investigating
entrepreneurial universities in the business and management fields. The authors collected …
entrepreneurial universities in the business and management fields. The authors collected …
Entrepreneurial orientation as a theory of new value creation
Explaining how and why entrepreneurial orientation (EO) enhances firm outcomes is critical
as it explicates specific causal mechanisms and boundary conditions. However, despite …
as it explicates specific causal mechanisms and boundary conditions. However, despite …
Revisiting technological entrepreneurship research: An updated bibliometric analysis of the state of art
Technological entrepreneurship (TE) constitutes a mega trend in entrepreneurship research
as demonstrated by the increase in the publications number. An updated review of TE is …
as demonstrated by the increase in the publications number. An updated review of TE is …
Mechanisms for facilitating academic entrepreneurship in higher education
Purpose The commercialization of research produced by universities constitutes a core facet
of academic entrepreneurship (AE). Academic literature reveals the need to shed light on …
of academic entrepreneurship (AE). Academic literature reveals the need to shed light on …
Digitalisation, data-driven dynamic capabilities and responsible innovation: An empirical study of SMEs in China
Y Chen, J Li, J Zhang - Asia pacific journal of management, 2024 - Springer
Research on responsible innovation (RI) is essential and effective for developed countries to
achieve sustainable development goals; however, RI is still relatively undiscussed in the …
achieve sustainable development goals; however, RI is still relatively undiscussed in the …
FinTech ecosystem as influencer of young entrepreneurial intentions: empirical findings from Tunisia
Purpose The study aims to investigate the influence of FinTech (Financial Technology)
determinants such as crowdfunding, mobile payment and blockchain as potential facilitators …
determinants such as crowdfunding, mobile payment and blockchain as potential facilitators …
How does knowledge hiding play a role in the relationship between leader–member exchange differentiation and employee creativity? A cross-level model
G Liao, M Li, Y Li, J Yin - Journal of Knowledge Management, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Employees' knowledge management, which influences creativity, is a pivotal
resource in organizational innovation activities, as it helps activate the knowledge resource …
resource in organizational innovation activities, as it helps activate the knowledge resource …
Science‐based innovation via university spin‐offs: the influence of intangible assets
University spin‐offs (USOs) have attracted significant attention from scholars and
policymakers as an important mechanism for science‐based innovation. The debate on how …
policymakers as an important mechanism for science‐based innovation. The debate on how …
Small business and entrepreneurship in Africa: The nexus of entrepreneurial ecosystems and productive entrepreneurship
The impact of entrepreneurship and small business activities in Africa has habitually been
lower and receives less attention in research. This study aims at investigating the mediation …
lower and receives less attention in research. This study aims at investigating the mediation …
Role of technological innovation and its governance in entrepreneurial evolution
Studies showcase various aspects of innovation strategies, knowledge sharing, and the role
of family firms. Despite this, the authors note the lack of a comprehensive review of …
of family firms. Despite this, the authors note the lack of a comprehensive review of …