The conservation of Afro‐Palaearctic migrants: what we are learning and what we need to know?
The global long‐term decline of migrant birds represents an important and challenging issue
for conservation scientists and practitioners. This review draws together recent research …
for conservation scientists and practitioners. This review draws together recent research …
Challenges and opportunities for data integration to improve estimation of migratory connectivity
Understanding migratory connectivity, or the linkage of populations between seasons, is
critical for effective conservation and management of migratory wildlife. A growing number of …
critical for effective conservation and management of migratory wildlife. A growing number of …
Integrating data types to estimate spatial patterns of avian migration across the Western Hemisphere
For many avian species, spatial migration patterns remain largely undescribed, especially
across hemispheric extents. Recent advancements in tracking technologies and high …
across hemispheric extents. Recent advancements in tracking technologies and high …
High spatiotemporal overlap in the non‐breeding season despite geographically dispersed breeding locations in the eastern whip‐poor‐will (Antrostomus vociferus)
Aim A full annual cycle approach to conservation and understanding of regional population
trends requires an understanding of migratory connectivity. We present tracking data on the …
trends requires an understanding of migratory connectivity. We present tracking data on the …
Striving for population-level conservation: integrating physiology across the biological hierarchy
The field of conservation physiology strives to achieve conservation goals by revealing
physiological mechanisms that drive population declines in the face of human-induced rapid …
physiological mechanisms that drive population declines in the face of human-induced rapid …
Sensitivity of migratory connectivity estimates to spatial sampling design
Background The use of statistical methods to quantify the strength of migratory connectivity
is commonplace. However, little attention has been given to their sensitivity to spatial …
is commonplace. However, little attention has been given to their sensitivity to spatial …
Population assignment reveals low migratory connectivity in a weakly structured songbird
Understanding migratory connectivity is essential for determining the drivers behind
population dynamics and for implementing effective conservation strategies for migratory …
population dynamics and for implementing effective conservation strategies for migratory …
Defining catchment origins of a geographical bottleneck: Implications of population mixing and phenological overlap for the conservation of Neotropical migratory …
Migratory bottlenecks concentrate individuals and populations of Nearctic–Neotropical
migrants from across vast breeding areas. The extent to which such concentrations occur …
migrants from across vast breeding areas. The extent to which such concentrations occur …
Range-wide post-and pre-breeding migratory networks of a declining neotropical–nearctic migratory bird, the blackpoll warbler
Identifying the drivers of population declines in migratory species requires an understanding
of how individuals are distributed between periods of the annual cycle. We built post-(fall) …
of how individuals are distributed between periods of the annual cycle. We built post-(fall) …
Habitat loss on the breeding grounds is a major contributor to population declines in a long-distance migratory songbird
Many migratory species are declining and for most, the proximate causes of their declines
remain unknown. For many long-distance Neotropical migratory songbirds, it is assumed …
remain unknown. For many long-distance Neotropical migratory songbirds, it is assumed …