Life in fluctuating environments
Variability in the environment defines the structure and dynamics of all living systems, from
organisms to ecosystems. Species have evolved traits and strategies that allow them to …
organisms to ecosystems. Species have evolved traits and strategies that allow them to …
Beyond reaction norms: the temporal dynamics of phenotypic plasticity
Phenotypic plasticity can allow organisms to cope with environmental changes. Although
reaction norms are commonly used to quantify plasticity along gradients of environmental …
reaction norms are commonly used to quantify plasticity along gradients of environmental …
Integrating the underlying structure of stochasticity into community ecology
Stochasticity is a core component of ecology, as it underlies key processes that structure and
create variability in nature. Despite its fundamental importance in ecological systems, the …
create variability in nature. Despite its fundamental importance in ecological systems, the …
Plasticity's role in adaptive evolution depends on environmental change components
To forecast extinction risks of natural populations under climate change and direct human
impacts, an integrative understanding of both phenotypic plasticity and adaptive evolution is …
impacts, an integrative understanding of both phenotypic plasticity and adaptive evolution is …
Adaptive parental effects: the importance of estimating environmental predictability and offspring fitness appropriately
Anticipatory parental effects (APE's) occur when parents adjust the phenotype of their
offspring to match the local environment, so as to increase the fitness of both parents and …
offspring to match the local environment, so as to increase the fitness of both parents and …
Stochastic models of population extinction
Theoretical ecologists have long sought to understand how the persistence of populations
depends on biotic and abiotic factors. Classical work showed that demographic stochasticity …
depends on biotic and abiotic factors. Classical work showed that demographic stochasticity …
Fungal community responses to precipitation
Understanding how fungal communities are affected by precipitation is an essential aspect
of predicting soil functional responses to future climate change and the consequences of …
of predicting soil functional responses to future climate change and the consequences of …
Increased spatial and temporal autocorrelation of temperature under climate change
Understanding spatiotemporal variation in environmental conditions is important to
determine how climate change will impact ecological communities. The spatial and temporal …
determine how climate change will impact ecological communities. The spatial and temporal …
Unifying climate change biology across realms and taxa
A major challenge in modern biology is to understand extinction risk from climate change
across all realms. Recent research has revealed that physiological tolerance, behavioral …
across all realms. Recent research has revealed that physiological tolerance, behavioral …
Life in the frequency domain: the biological impacts of changes in climate variability at multiple time scales
Over the last few decades, biologists have made substantial progress in understanding
relationships between changing climates and organism performance. Much of this work has …
relationships between changing climates and organism performance. Much of this work has …