[HTML][HTML] Application of eye tracking technology in aviation, maritime, and construction industries: A systematic review
Most accidents in the aviation, maritime, and construction industries are caused by human
error, which can be traced back to impaired mental performance and attention failure. In …
error, which can be traced back to impaired mental performance and attention failure. In …
[KNIHA][B] Eye tracking methodology: Theory and practice
AT Duchowski, AT Duchowski - 2017 - Springer
Andrew T. Duchowski Theory and Practice Third Edition Page 1 Eye Tracking Methodology
Andrew T. Duchowski Theory and Practice Third Edition Page 2 Eye Tracking Methodology …
Andrew T. Duchowski Theory and Practice Third Edition Page 2 Eye Tracking Methodology …
The influence of calibration method and eye physiology on eyetracking data quality
Recording eye movement data with high quality is often a prerequisite for producing valid
and replicable results and for drawing well-founded conclusions about the oculomotor …
and replicable results and for drawing well-founded conclusions about the oculomotor …
Biometric identification via eye movement scanpaths in reading
C Holland, OV Komogortsev - 2011 International joint …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents an objective evaluation of various eye movement-based biometric
features and their ability to accurately and precisely distinguish unique individuals. Eye …
features and their ability to accurately and precisely distinguish unique individuals. Eye …
Eye-tracking data quality as affected by ethnicity and experimental design
Lack of accuracy in eye-tracking data can be critical. If the point of gaze is not recorded
accurately and reliably, the information obtained or action executed might be different from …
accurately and reliably, the information obtained or action executed might be different from …
Evaluation of eye tracking signal quality for virtual reality applications: A case study in the meta quest pro
We present an analysis of the eye tracking capabilities of the Meta Quest Pro virtual reality
headset using a dataset of eye movement recordings collected from 78 participants. We …
headset using a dataset of eye movement recordings collected from 78 participants. We …
An effective gaze-based authentication method with the spatiotemporal feature of eye movement
J Yin, J Sun, J Li, K Liu - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
Eye movement has become a new behavioral feature for biometric authentication. In the eye
movement-based authentication methods that use temporal features and artificial design …
movement-based authentication methods that use temporal features and artificial design …
Attack of mechanical replicas: Liveness detection with eye movements
This paper investigates liveness detection techniques in the area of eye movement
biometrics. We investigate a specific scenario, in which an impostor constructs an artificial …
biometrics. We investigate a specific scenario, in which an impostor constructs an artificial …
Biometric identification based on the eye movements and graph matching techniques
The last few years a growing research interest has aroused in the field of biometrics,
concerning the use of brain dependent characteristics generally known as behavioral …
concerning the use of brain dependent characteristics generally known as behavioral …
Get a grip: Slippage-robust and glint-free gaze estimation for real-time pervasive head-mounted eye tracking
A key assumption conventionally made by flexible head-mounted eye-tracking systems is
often invalid: The eye center does not remain stationary wrt the eye camera due to slippage …
often invalid: The eye center does not remain stationary wrt the eye camera due to slippage …