On the range of the -ray transform of symmetric tensors compactly supported in the plane

K Sadiq, A Tamasan - arxiv preprint arxiv:2209.08760, 2022 - arxiv.org
arxiv:2209.08760v1 [math.AP] 19 Sep 2022 Page 1 arxiv:2209.08760v1 [math.AP] 19 Sep

[PDF][PDF] adrt: approximate discrete Radon transform for Python

K Otness, D Rim - Journal of Open Source Software, 2023 - joss.theoj.org
The Radon transform is a fundamental integral transform that arises in many different fields
including medical/seismic tomography, signal/image processing, and the analysis of partial …

On the range of the planar -ray transform on the Fourier lattice of the torus

K Sadiq, A Tamasan - arxiv preprint arxiv:2201.10926, 2022 - arxiv.org
We find necessary and sufficient conditions on the Fourier coefficients of a function $ g $ on
the torus to be in the range of the $ X $-ray transform of functions with compact support in the …

An explicit spectral decomposition of the ADRT

W Li, K Otness, K Ren, D Rim - arxiv preprint arxiv:2412.11151, 2024 - arxiv.org
The approximate discrete Radon transform (ADRT) is a hierarchical multiscale
approximation of the Radon transform. In this paper, we factor the ADRT into a product of …

A fast but ill-conditioned formal inverse to Radon transforms in 2D and 3D

R Oliva-García, JG Marichal-Hernández… - Real-Time Image …, 2022 - spiedigitallibrary.org
We present a formal inversion of the multiscale discrete Radon trasform, valid both for 2D
and 3D. With the transformed data from just one of the four quadrants of the direct 2D Radon …

A fast but ill-conditioned formal inverse to Radon transforms in 2D and 3D

JG Marichal Hernández, R Oliva García… - 2022 - riull.ull.es
We present a formal inversion of the multiscale discrete Radon trasform, valid both for 2D
and 3D. With the transformed data from just one of the four quadrants of the direct 2D Radon …